Persian Christian Soft Rock & Roll from Nejat Band - A new Generation of Iranian Beleivers Praising Christ with Their Music - Blessing of Love CD, Soft Rock & Roll for Farsi Speaking People of Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Tajikistan, Europe, Asia & US
Masters of Persian Music: Mohammad Reza Shajarian, Lotfi, Hossein Alizadeh, Kayhan Kalhor, Homayoun Shajarian

Books and Articles on Christian Counseling translated to Persian (Farsi) by Shawn Safavi

Elements of Dehabituation and Rehabituation - عناصر ترک عادت و كسب عادت

Click here to view or print "Elements of Dehabituation and Rehabituation" in Persian - عناصر ترک عادت و كسب عادت

Click here to view or print "Elements of Dehabituation and Rehabituation" in Persian - عناصر ترک عادت و كسب عادت

Go To: What is Christian Counseling?, مشاوره مسیحی چیست ؟, A Thirst For Wholeness, اشتياق براي كامل شدن, Christ and Your Problems, مسيح و مشكلات شما, How To Overcome Evil, چگونه بر شرارت غلبه كنيم, Solving Marriage Problems, حل مسائل زناشويي, Christian Living In The Home, زندگي در خانواده مسيحي, The Motivation for Change, انگيزه لازم براى تغيير, Effecting Biblical Change ايجاد تغييرات موثر مطابق با كلام خدا, Elements of Dehabituation and Rehabituation عناصر ترک عادت و كسب عادت, ... Ministry of Dr. Jay Adams, Who is Jay Adams ... Go to Moshavereh Masihi Home Page - Persian Christian Counseling Books & Articles Home Page
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Days: Year 2572 Countdown - Iranian New Year 1392 ... NowRuz - Persian New
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