Revelation 3:20 - Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.
This famous painting by W. Holman Hunt is called The Light of the World. Jesus standing at the door.
The message of the Gospel is the message of God coming to you, to knock at the door of your heart.
This door is shut. Weeds indicate that there is something wrong with the heart. It is closed to the things of God. That is an understanding of the condition of men before Christ.
The painter is interpreting the Bible again, where it says, "All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God?"
It's only a painting. But the meaning is biblical. Every person, man woman boy and girl has weeds growing around their heart, where God would be.
"All the kings in history ... sent their people out to die for them. Jesus was the only king who died for his people. "--Charles Colson
But God wants to be a part of every life. So He sends Jesus to knock on the door of our hearts. He is knocking on yours. Do you hear him?
Look at the picture again. The hinges are rusted. The artist said he showed a shut door with weeds and rusty hinges, because he wanted to represent the heart that neglects the call of God.
But Jesus comes to knock at the door and asks you to let him in.