Remember The Persecuted Christians, Don't forget Persecuted Christians in Iran, Pray for Pastor hamid Pourmand facing charge of Apostasy and possible death sentence in Iran
Mashhad - Iran Holy City - Imam Reza, Nader Shah, Ferdowsi

Persian Children Stories from ELAM Publications - داستانهاى فارسى از كتاب مقدس براى كودكان

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Persian Children Stories - داستانهاى فارسى براى كودكان: | Good Samaritan - همسايه من چه كسى هست ؟ | Jonah - يونس پيامبر فرارى | ... Go To Main Page of Koodak Irani - داستانهاى فارسى از كتاب مقدس براى كودكان - Persian Christian Children Stories from ELAM Publications
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Farsi Christian Music by Iranian Church of Houston, Forouz, Mani, Bahram, Ali, Naznoosh, Nooshin, Christine, Ashley - Persian Gospel Music fro Iranians and Farsi Speaking People
روزه در مسيحيت به چه صورتی است؟
What is Christian Fasting - Rozeh Masihi Cheest?
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