Persian Christian Concert in California June 4 2011, Iranian Christian Gospel Concert by Gilbert Hovsepian, Shohreh, Ziba, Angineh, Anet, Sepideh, Sokrati, Mostafa and Hanid in La Crescenta California
Happy Easter, Happy Resurection Day, Jesus' Empty Tomb is the main Principle of Our Belief as Followers of Jesus Christ, He has Risen, He is Alive and overcame Death so We may Have Ethernal Life, He died for our Sins on the Cross and after 3 days rose from Death, His Empty Tomb is the Sign of Our Hope & Victory

Welcome to Iranian Christians International

Iranian Christians International Inc.

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CO 80936, U.S.A.
Phone: (719) 596-0010
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Iranian Christian International, Inc.
Iranian Christians International

P.O. Box 25607, Colorado Springs, CO 80936, U.S.A.
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Welcome to Iranian Christians online Bookstore Listing at FarsiNet
"... In the last days ... I shall restore the fortunes of Elam (Iran), declares the Lord." Jeremiah 49:39

Welcome to Iranian Christians International, Inc. Online Shopping Cart

It is a joy to serve you by providing Scriptures, evangelistic, discipleship, training in Muslim evangelism and cultural literature in the Persian, Dari, Pushtu and English languages. We pray that the literature purchased from the ICI Bookstore will be of help to you in your search for Christ, your growth as a Christian and/or your ministry to Iranians and other Persian/Dari speaking people.  For clarity, the following codes are used to communicate the language of the book/booklet/tract, etc.

P = Persian     D = Dari     E = English     Pu = Pushtu    A = Azari  K = Kurdish

Please use the navigation menu on the left to view our categories.  Categories are divided into the following:

Category # Subject Description Language
1110000 Scriptures.
Bibles, New testaments
  P, E, K, Pu
1150000 Dari Scriptures  D
2220000 Posters in Persian.
Posters, Poetry and cards
P, E
3330000 Evangelistic. P, E, A
3350000 Dari Evangelistic Literature. D
4440000 Apologetic.
Good for use with serious inquirers and for training for witnessing.
P, E
5550000 Training In Muslim Evangelism. P, E
6660000 Discipleship For Iranian Believers. P, E, D
7770000 Biographical And Testimonies.
Good for Evangelism
P, E, D
7780000 Children's Literature. P, E
8855000 Teaching Tapes. P, E
8880000 Persian Christian Music. P, E
9970000 Persian Language. P, E
9980000  Persian Culture. P, E
9990000  Videos.* P, E, D, A

Index of Catalog Listings (Books)

Refer to Online store Catalog for up to date listing:

A.....................................................................            B......................................................................................

A Heart for Eternity (E) -  3331138                                                                                       The Baha'i Faith: Its History and Teachings (E) -  5550031

A Question That Demands and Answer (E)  - 4440076                                                    Bahram William Dehqani-Tafti (E) -  7770008

A Journey From God.s To Christ (E)  - 4440086                                                                Balance of Truth (P)  -  4440032

Abraham -  1110024                                                                                                                Balance of Truth (E)   - 4440033

Adam & Eve (Gen. 1-3) (P)  - 1110022                                                                                  Basic Christianity (P)   - 3331131

Allah is He God? (E) -  4440068                                                                                            Be Happy (P)   - 6665543

Allah-O-Akbar (P) The Greater God -  4440085                                                                  Being a Muslim.s Wife (E) -  5550023

All Have Sinned (P) -  3331137                                                                                             Belief in God in the Twentieth Century (P)/Also is What is Christianity   - 3330002

All That The Prophets Have Spoken (E) -  3331141                                                          Belief in God in the Twentieth Century (E)   - 3330003

Alleviating Misunderstandings (P) -  3330018                                                                   Beliefs and Practices of Christians (E)   - 3330023

America, Oil and the Islamic Mind (E) -  4440072                                                              The Beloved Physician (P)   - 3330007              

An Amounting Debt and the Wisdom Of a Sheikh (E) -  3330067                                  Be Fruitful (P)   - 6665536 

Anxiety and Peace (P) -  6660061                                                                                         Be Mature (P)   - 6660059

Answers to Tough Questions -  4440074                                                                           Betrayed (P)   - 3331139

Answering Islam: The Crescent in the Light of the Cross (E) -  5550050                       Betrayed (E)   - 3331140

Applied New Testament Commentary (P) -  6665540                                                        Beyond the Minarets (E)   - 7770041

Are You Sure (P) -  3331142                                                                                                  Bible Dictionary (P)   - 6660047

The Art of Evangelism (P) -  5550061                                                                                  Bible Ethics (P)   - 6665541

Ashouri Testimony (P) -  7770012                                                                                       Bible New Translation (P)   - 1110045

The Attributes (life) of the Perfect Person (P) -  3330085                                                The Bible and Islam-Sharing God's Word With a Muslim (E)   - 5550017

                                                                                                                                                    Blood Brothers (E)   - 7770013

                                                                                                                                                    Build Up One Another (P)   - 6665532

                                                                                                                                                    Building Your Self Image (E)   - 6665517

                                                                                                                                                    But I Love Him (E)   - 6660045


C........................................................................             D....................................................


The Call of the Minaret (E)  - 4440057                                                                                 Daily Christian Living (P)   - 6660027

Can I Know God? -  3331129                                                                                                Daily Strength (P)   - 666002

Charcoal (E) -  3330065                                                                                                          Damaged Disciples (E)   - 6660063

Christ and Caesar in Christian Missions (E)  - 5550025                                                   A Dangerous Situation (P)   - 3330015

Christ and Christianity Among Iranians (P) Volume 1   - 5550038                                  The Darkness Disappears (E)   - 3331126

Christ and Christianity Among Iranians (P) Volume 2   - 5550042                                  Daughters of Islam (E)   - 7770049

Christ and Christianity Among Iranians (P) Volume 3   - 5550058                                  The Day of Jesus the Messiah.s Resurrection (E)   - 4440084

Christ and Christianity in Persian Poetry (E/P)   - 3331115                                               The Day of Resurrection (E)   - 3330039

Christian Approach to Muslims (E)   - 5550021                                                                  Debt of Ali Ben Omar (E)   - 3330046

Christian Leaders and Leadership (E)   - 6660038                                                               Debt of Ali Ben Omar (P)   - 3330051

A Christian Hero - Benjamin Badal (P)   - 7770047                                                             Unfolding Design of My World (E)   - 7770006

Christian Methods (P)   - 6665502                                                                                         Diatesseron (P)   - 1110019

Christian Reply to Muslim Objections (E)  -  5550011                                                        Did God Appear in the Flesh? (E)   - 4440007

Christian Witness Among Muslims (E)   - 5550015                                                            Disciple (P)   - 6660019

Christianity's Supreme Opportunity (E)   - 5550014                                                            Discipleship in Islamic Society (E)   - 5550036

Christians are Indebted to Muslims (E)   - 5550020                                                            Discerning God.s Will (P)   - 6665548

Christians in Chains (E)   - 4440061                                                                                       Divine Suffering (P)   - 6660060

A Christians' Response to Islam (E)   - 5550005                                                                  Do You Know God's Salvation? (E)   - 4440040

Christ in Islam and Christianity (E)   - 4440053                                                                    Dr. Sa'eed of Iran (E)   - 3330016

Come (E)  -  3330087

Come to Jesus! (P)  -  3330075

Commentary on l Corinthians (P)  -  6660041

Commentary on the Book of Revelation (P)-   6665547

Commentary on John (P)   - 6660030

Commentary on Luke (P)   - 6660029

Cost of Love (P)   - 3330024

The Cross and the Switchblade (P)  -  3331120

The Cross in the Gospel and Qur'an (E)   - 4440004

A Crown for Ashes (P)   - 6660023

The Crucifixion of Christ: A Fact, Not Fiction (E)   - 4440055

Cyrus the Great and Mohammad ibn Abdullah (P)   - 4440080



The Epistle to the Hebrews (P)   - 1110060

The Epistles of John Commentary (P)   - 6660026

Eternal Psalms (P)   - 1110008

Everlasting Peace and Joy (P)   - 7770028

Evidence that Demands a Verdict (E)   - 4440012


F.........................................................................          G.............................................................................


Face the Facts (E)   - 4440010                                                                                                  Gems from Tozer (E)   - 6660052

The Faithful Remnant (P)   - 6660062                                                                                      Glory of Jesus Christ (D)   - 3350001

A Father & His 2 Sons (P)   - 7780007                                                                                   

Fallen Nature of Man in Islam and Christianity (E)   - 4440036                                          God Has Chosen (E)   - 7770032

Filling of Holy Spirit (D)   - 6670001                                                                                        God is One (E)   - 4440030

Fire of Revenge (D)   - 7770043                                                                                                God is One in the Holy Trinity (E)   - 4440005

Firm Foundations, Leader & Student 109 (E)   - 6665503                                                     God Our Heavenly Father (E)   - 4440031

Five Steps of Christian Growth (E)   - 6660035                                                                       God With Us (P)   - 3330025

Follow (E)   - 3330089                                                                                                                 God.s Answer (P)   - 3331133

Follow Jesus! (P)   - 3330062                                                                                                     God's Good News for You (P)   - 3330008

Forgiveness According to the Torah, Injil and Qur'an (E)   - 4440015                               God's Good News For You (E)   - 3330019

For Muslims-Trinity, Son of God Explained (E)   - 4440060                                                  God's Love (P)   - 3330093

For the Sake of Truth (E)   - 5550040                                                                                        God is One (E)   - 4440083

For This Reason (P)   - 6665545                                                                                                God's Love for Mankind (P)   - 3330077

Fountain of Life (P)   - 3330040                                                                                                 God's Plan (P)   - 3330056

Forgiveness in God.s Kingdom (P)   - 6660054                                                                      God.s Plan for Mankind (D)   - 3350002

Four Important Matters (P)   - 3330063                                                                                    God.s World (E)   - 1110032

The Four Spiritual Laws (P)   - 3330010                                                                                   A Goodly Heritage (E)   - 6660008

The Four Spiritual Laws (E)   - 3330011                                                                                    The Good and Trustworthy God (P)   - 6660067

A Fragrance of Oppression (E)   - 5550060                                                                              The Good Shepherd (P/E)   - 3330021

The Fruit of the Holy Spirit (E)   - 6665538                                                                              The Great News (New Testament) (E )  - 1110031

From Confusion to Salvation (P)   - 3330092                                                                           The Gospel of Barnabas (E)   - 4440023

From Darkness to God.s Light (P)   - 7770034                                                                         Gospel of Islam (E)   - 5550063

From Darkness to God.s Light (E)   - 7770035                                                                         Gospel of Jesus the Messiah-According to John (E)   - 1110033

                                                                                                                                                          The Gospel of John (P)   - 1110004

                                                                                                                                                          The Gospel of John (E)   - 1110034

                                                                                                                                                          The Gospel of John (D)   - 1150002

                                                                                                                                                          Gospel of John Study (P)    - 6660010

                                                                                                                                                          The Gospel of Luke   - 1110005

                                                                                                                                                          The Gospel of Matthew    - 1110007

                                                                                                                                                          The Gospel of Matthew (P)   - 1110059

                                                                                                                                                          Grace and Sacrifice of God (P)   - 3330094

                                                                                                                                                          The Great Rock of Islam (P)   - 7770015

                                                                                                                                                          The Great Rock of Islam (E)   - 7770016

                                                                                                                                                          The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached (P)   - 3331123

                                                                                                                                                          Growing Up (E)   - 6660037

H...................................................................                  I...........................................................................


Haik Hovsepian-Mehr (E)   - 7770036                                                                                        I Dared to Call Him Father (E)   - 7770014

Haik Hovsepian-Mehr (P)   - 7770037                                                                                        Individual Worship (P)   - 3330097

Halley.s Bible Handbook (P)   - 6665537                                                                                   The Infallibility of the Torah and the Gospel (E)   - 4440001

Hard Awakening (E)   - 7770002                                                                                                  In God.s Underground (P)   - 6660064

Hard Awakening (P)   - 7770007                                                                                                  In Quest of Truth (E)   - 7770020

Help From Above (P)   - 3330012                                                                                                In Search of Assurance (E)   - 7770031

Her Name is Woman (P)   - 6665534                                                                                           In Search of Love, Part 1 (P)   - 3330036

Hidden Sorrow, Lasting Joy (E)   - 6660065                                                                              In Search of Love, Part 2 (P)   - 3330037

History of American (Presbyterian ) Missions to Iran (E)   - 5550022                                  In the Shadow of the Cross (E)   - 7770027

History of Christians in Iran (E)   - 5550059                                                                              Individual Personal Worship (P)   - 3330097

History of Iranian Christians (P)   - 5550035                                                                            

The Holy Book of God (E)   - 4440014                                                                                        Into the Kingdom of Light (P)   - 7770001

Holy Spirit (P)    - 6665519                                                                                                            The Invitation (D)   - 3350003

Holy War in Islam (E)   - 4440049                                                                                                Iran in the Bible (P)   - 6665550

How An Alcoholic Singer Became A Pastor   - 7770004                                                         Isa in the Taurat, Injil and (E)   - 4440052

How Can I Know God? (P)   - 3330009                                                                                       Ishmael My Brother (E)   - 7770024

How Can I Relate to a Muslim? (E)   - 5550028                                                                         Islam and Muslims (E)   - 4440064

How Can We Know the Truth? (E)   - 4440043                                                                         Islam: Aspects and Prospects (E)   - 4440058

How Do We Pray? (P)   - 6660020                                                                                               Islam- A Religious Profile (E)   - 4440082

How Do We Pray? (E)   - 6660021                                                                                               The Islam Debate (E)   - 4440022

How I Found Healing and Peace (P)   - 7770025                                                                       Islamic Invasion (E)   - 4440077

How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit (E)   - 6660055                                                                Islam Unveiled (E)   - 4440067

How to Begin an Evangelistic Bible Study (E)   - 6660011                                                      Islam Under the Magnifying Glass (E)   - 4440050

How to Handle Adversity (P)   - 6665533                                                                                  Is Jesus the Son of God? (E)   - 3330038

How to Know God (P)   - 3331116                                                                                               Is Jesus the Son of God? (E) 7p   - 4440065

How To Know God (E)  - 3331117                                                                                              Is the Holy Injil Corrupted? (E)   - 4440017

How to Share the Good News With Your Muslim Friend (E)   - 5550007                             Is Muhammad Foretold in the Bible? (E)   - 4440051

How to Share the Gospel With Our Muslim Brothers (E)   - 5550053

How to Share Your Christian faith With Muslims (E)   - 5550032

How You Can Be Sure You are a Christian   - 6660004-1

How You Can Experience God.s Love and Forgiveness   - 6660004-2

How You Can Be Filled with the Holy Spirit   - 6660004-3

How You Can Walk in the Spirit   - 6660004-4

How You Can Be a Fruitful Witness   - 6660004-5

How You Can Introduce Others to Christ   - 6660004-6

How You Can Help Fulfill the Great Commission   - 6660004-7

How You Can Love by Faith   - 6660004-8

How You Can Pray With Confidence   - 6660004-9

How You Can Experience the Adventure of Giving   - 6660004-10

Hunger Satisfied (P/E)   - 7770003

Hymns Persian & English With Words and Tunes in Common (P/E)   - 6665528

J...........................................................................             K.......................................................................

Jesus Christ (P)   - 1110046                                                                                                               The King and the Prophet (E)   - 3330068

Jesus Christ in Islam (P)   - 3330026                                                                                                Know Why You Believe Corresp. Course (P)   - 3330059

Jesus in Islam (E)   - 4440024                                                                                                            Knowing Christian sects, Cults and False Doctrines (P)   - 6665552

Jesus in the (E)   - 4440066                                                                                                  Knowing God.s Kingdom (P)   - 6660053

Jesus, Israel and the Gentiles (E)   - 4440029                                                                                 The Kurdish New Testament (Sorani)   - 1120001

Jesus the Son of God (E)   - 4440034                                                                                               Knowing the Gifts of The Holy Spirit (P) - 6665568

Joseph (P)   - 1110025

Journey To Understanding (E)   - 5550001

L............................................................................           M...................................................................

The Leadership Group (E)   - 6660003                                                                                            Making Christ Know to Muslims (E)  - 4440059                                                      

Leading Bible Discussions (E)   - 6660012                                                                                    The Manifestation of Jesus Christ (P)   - 3330057

Learn (E)   - 3330090                                                                                                                          Man of God (P)   - 7770033

Learn from Jesus! (P)   - 3330076                                                                                                    Marriage and Family (P)   - 6665542

Leather Cover Bible (P)   - 1110056                                                                                                 Marx and Satan (E)   - 4440018

Lessons in Christian Discipleship (E)   - 6660001                                                                        Master Plan of Discipleship (E)   - 6660051

A Letter that Came From a Far Country (P)   - 3330033                                                              The Meaning of Salvation (P)   - 3330098

A Letter that Came From a Far Country (E)   - 3330034                                                               The Meaning of the Cross (E)   - 4440047

The Life of Christ (7 Volumes) (E)   - 4440048                                                                               Meditations on Life and Death (P)   - 3330080

The Life of Henry Martyn (E)   - 7770040                                                                                      Meditations on Life and Death (E)   - 3330081

Life of Power (Mark (P/E)   - 1110040                                                                                             Method of Living (James) (P)   - 1110030

The Life and Teaching of Jesus the Messiah (P)   - 3330005                                                     Miracles of Jesus (P)   - 1110039

Life Giving God (P)   - 3330049                                                                                                        Mirror of the Heart (P)   - 3330054

Life and Teaching of Jesus the Messiah (E)   - 3331110                                                             More Than a Carpenter (P)   - 3331130

The Life of Christ (E)   - 4440048                                                                                                     More Than a Carpenter (E)   - 3331134

Life of Muslim Women (E)   - 5550037                                                                                           More to be Desired than Gold (E)   - 5550057

The Life of Rev. Mawlawi (E)   - 7770018                                                                                       Music of Chimes (P)   - 3330084

Life Story of Joni Erickson (P)   - 6660069                                                                                     The Muslim Christ (E)   - 4440025

Life Story of Rev Mehdi Dibaj   - 7770050                                                                                     The Muslim Doctrine of God (E)   - 4440037

Life's Journey (P)   - 6660017                                                                                                           My Big Father (E)   - 7770009

The Light of the World (E)   - 4440039                                                                                           My Little Bible (P)   - 1110048

Listen (E)   - 3330088                                                                                                                         My Persian Pilgrimage (E)   - 7770021

Listen to Jesus ! (P)   - 3330060                                                                                                       My Testimony (D)   - 7770005

The Living Christ (E)   - 6660068                                                                                                     My Testimony (D/E)   - 7770045

Logic of Faith (E)   - 4440019

Logic of Faith (E) (In Newspaper Form)   - 4440075

The Lord is My Shepherd (P)   - 6660022

Love (P)   - 3331118


N........................................................................                 O...................................................................


New Creation (P) 6p.   - 3330027                                                                                                        Objections to Christianity (P)   - 6665554

New Creation (P) 126p.   - 6660025                                                                                                    The Occult in Islam (E)   - 4440063

New Life (P) 4p.   - 3330061                                                                                                                On Call (E)   - 7770042

New Life (P) Elam   - 6660024                                                                                                             On the Way to Church (P)   - 3331122

New Life (P)   - 1110052                                                                                                                       One God One Way Test (P)   - 3330050-1

New Life in Christ (P)  -  6665524                                                                                                       One to One (E)   - 5550044

New Life in Christ (E)   - 6665525                                                                                                       The Only Hope of Mankind (P)   - 3330099

New Life (Tract) (E)   - 3331128                                                                                                          The Only Way of Salvation (P)   - 3330028

New Testament (P)   - 1110003                                                                                                           Only Way of Salvation (P)   - 3330096

New Testament (P)   - 1110061                                                                                                           Operation World (E)   - 6660018

New Testament (P/E)   - 1110058                                                                                                       The Outstanding Assyrian Clergy in the Last Two Centuries (P)   - 7770048

New Testament (Pu)   - 1110053                                                                                                         Overcoming Some Misunderstandings (P)   - 3330045

New Testament with Psalms (P)   - 1110050

New Testament (P) Old Translation   - 1110012

New Testament (P) Old Translation Hardcover   - 1110015

Noah.s Flood   - 1110023




Papa Panov (P)   - 7780001                                                                                                                  Passionate Believing (E)   - 4440073

Path of Life (P)   - 6665508                                                                                                                   Path to Salvation (P)   - 3331119

Path to Salvation (D)   - 3350004                                                                                                        The Peacemaker (E)   - 6660057

The Pearls of Wisdom (P)   - 6665551                                                                                                Peace With God (E)   - 3331127

Persia and the Bible (E)   - 6660056                                                                                                     Persian Bible (96 Ed)   - 1110047

The Persian Bible (P) Vinyl Cover   - 1110000                                                                                  The Persian Bible (P) Hard Cover   - 1110001

Persians in the Bible (E)   - 6660034                                                                                                   Persian Bible Concordance (P)   - 6660009

Persian Church Manual for Pastors (P)   - 6665530                                                                         Persian Discipleship Bible Study (P)   - 6665521

The Persian Hymnal (P) Words Only   - 6660006                                                                            Persian Hymnal (P)   - 6665531

Persian Hymnal #2 Words   - 6665522                                                                                              Persian Hymnal #2 Words and Music   - 6665523

The Persian Hymnal (E/P) Music Only   - 6660007                                                                         Persian New Testament (Pocket) (P)   - 1110035

The Person of Christ in the Gospel and the Qur'an (E)   - 4440002                                              The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit (P)   - 6665518

Phonetic Persian Hymnal (P/E)   - 6660049                                                                                      Pilgrims Progress (P)   - 6660048

Planting Churches in Muslim Cities (E)   - 5550056                                                                        Poetry About Jesus (P)   - 3330014

The Position of Jesus Christ (P)   - 3330048                                                                                    Power of Prayer (P)   - 6665539

A Prayer for Muslims (E)   - 5550026                                                                                                Preaching the Bible (P)   - 6665546

Preparing Missionaries for Intercultural Communication (E)   - 5550043                                    Principles of Bible Interpretation and Application (P)   - 6665501

The Problem of Pain (E)   - 6665520                                                                                                  The Promise (P)   - 3331143

The Prophets and the Word (E)   - 3331100                                                                                    The Prophets and the Word (P)   - 3331101

The Prophet Series (E)   - 1110041                                                                                                    Proverbs of Solomon (P)   - 1110026

The Psalms (P)   - 1110057                                                                                                                 The Psalms Modern Persian   - 1110036


Q.....................................................................                R..............................................................................


The Queen and The Mirror (E)   - 3330073                                                                                    Reaching Muslims Today (E)  -  5550003

Questions & Answers (P)   - 3331113                                                                                            Reaching Muslims for Christ (E)   - 5550046

Quicksand (E)   - 3330071                                                                                                                A Re-evaluation of the Koran   - 4440081

The and the Bible in the Light of History and Science (E)   - 5550041                        Repentance and Forgiveness of God (P)   - 3330095

The Qur'an and the Son of God (E)   - 4440009                                                                            Resurrection of Christ (P)   - 1110029

                                                                                                                                                               Revelation (P)   - 4440027

                                                                                                                                                               The Right of Non-Muslims in an Islamic State (E)   - 4440070


S......................................................................                T..............................................................................


Sadu Sunder Singh (E)   - 7770019                                                                                                Tales of Persia (E)   - 5550002

Safely Home (E)   - 6660066                                                                                                            Teach Me Your Way (E)   - 4440046

Salvation or Religion (P)   - 3331141                                                                                             Teaching & Miracles of Christ (P)   - 1110028

The Satnami Story (E)   - 7770039                                                                                                  Ten Basic Steps Toward Maturity (P)   - 6660013

Savior of the World (P)   - 3330055                                                                                                Ten Basic Steps Toward Maturity (E)   - 6660014

Search for Messiah (P)   - 6665556                                                                                                Test Everything (E)   - 4440045

Search for Truth (P)  - 4440011                                                                                                      Testimony of an Iranian Christian (P)   - 7770010

Secret of the Seventh Gate (E)   - 7780002                                                                                   Testimony of an Iranian Christian (E)   - 7770011

Seeing Paradise Through the Eye of a Needle (P)  -  3330078                                                  The Textural History of the Qur'an and the Bible (E)   - 4440056

Seeing Paradise Through the Eye of a Needle (E)   - 3330079                                                  Themes for the Diligent (E)   - 4440044

Selected Proverbs (P)   - 1110017                                                                                                  Thirty Pieces of Silver (P)   - 3330082

Selection of Psalms (D)   - 1150003                                                                                               This is the Way (P)   - 3331136

Sermon on the mount (Pu)   - 1110054                                                                                          Three Radio Plays (P)   - 6665529

Sit, Walk, Stand (P)   - 6665535                                                                                                      Thriving in Another Culture: A book for Cross-Cultural Missions (E)- 5550062

Sharing the Good News with Muslims (E)   - 5550039                                                               Tolerance in Islam (E)   - 4440069

Sharing Your Faith With A Muslim (E)   - 5550018                                                                    The Torn Veil (E)   - 7770017

Selection of Psalms (D)   - 1150003                                                                                                Tortured for Christ (E)   - 7770046

Sin and Atonement (E)   - 4440008                                                                                                 Touch the World Through Prayer (E)   - 6660043

Shi.ism and Mahdism (P)   - 4440079                                                                                             Touching - Soul of Islam (E)   - 5550045

The Sources of Islam (E)   - 4440038                                                                                              To Whom Does Heaven Belong? (P)   - 3330035

Spiritual Journey (P)   - 3330044                                                                                                      Traitor (Persian Translation of Betrayed) (P)   - 7770050

Spiritual Revolution (P)   - 3330031                                                                                                 Transferable Concepts (E)   - 6660004

Spiritual Revolution (E)   - 3330032                                                                                                 Transferable Concepts (P)   - 6660015

Story of Christ (P)   - 7780005                                                                                                           Trinity and Unity (E)   - 4440054

Storyteller.s Bible Study for Internationals (E)   - 3331132                                                          Trust (P)   - 3330074

The Story of Zia Nodat (E)   - 7770026                                                                                            Trust (E)   - 3330091

Strategies For Sharing the Gospel With Muslim.s in the U.S. (E)   - 555001                            The Truth of the Word (P)   - 3330043

Summary of Christian Doctrine (P)   - 6665549                                                                               Twenty Three Years (E)   - 4440021

Sweet First Fruits (E)   - 7770038                                                                                                       Twenty Three Years (P)   - 4440028


U..........................................................................            V............................................................................


Ultimate Questions (E)   - 3331124                                                                                                    Validity of the Bible (P)   - 4440020

Understanding Some Muslim Misunderstandings (E)   - 5550016                                               The Very Worried Sparrow (P)   - 7780003

Understanding the Divine Plan (P)   - 6660036                                                                                The Victory of the Truth (E)   - 4440041

Understanding the Muslim Mindset   - 5550024

Unfolding Design of My World (E)   - 7770006

The Uniqueness of Christ (P)   - 3330041

The Uniqueness of Christ (E)   - 3330042

The Unity of God (P)   - 3330029



Way of Evangelism (P)   - 5550033                                                                                                   Way of Happiness (P)   - 3331114

Way of Life   - 1110027                                                                                                                       The Way of the Cross (P)   - 6660031

The Way of the Cross (E)   - 6660032                                                                                               What Do You Think About Christ? (E)   - 4440042

What Every Muslim Should Know About the Old and New Testament (E)  -  3331135          What is the Baha.i World Faith? (P)   - 5550054

What is the Baha'i World Faith? (E)   - 5550029                                                                              What is Christianity? (Azeri)   - 3330083

What is Christianity? (P)/ Also is Beliefs and Practices   - 3330022                                            What is Christianity? Corresp. Course (P)   - 3330047

What is the Truth? (P)   - 6660040                                                                                                     What is the Truth? (E)   - 6660039

What Does Jesus Say (P)   - 6665506                                                                                                What Must I Do to be Saved? (E)   - 4440003

Where to Go with this Burden? (P)   - 3331111                                                                                Who is Allah in Islam (E)   - 4440026

Why Am I A Christian (P)   - 3331112                                                                                               Why I Became A Christian (E)   - 7770045A

Why the Cross of Jesus the Messiah? (E)   - 4440062                                                                   Why is it Difficult For a Muslim to Become a Christian? (E)   - 5550019

Why Read the Bible? (P)   - 6660005                                                                                                  Why Share Our Faith With Muslims? (E)   - 5550027

Women in Islam (E)   - 5550049                                                                                                           Wonderful (P)   - 3330017

The Word of God (P)   - 3330030                                                                                                        The World at Your Doorstep (E)   - 5550047

The World's Greatest Person (P)   - 3330053                                                                                    When Angry (P) - 6665565

                                                                                                                                                                   When Christians Sin (P) - 6665566

                                                                                                                                                                    What to Do with My Worry (P) - 6665567



You and your Refugee Neighbor (E)   - 5550048

Your Muslim Guest (E)   - 5550006



*Note:  Order NTSC for U.S./Canada Video System,
PAL for European Video System

;                                                              What to Do with My Worry (P) - 6665567



You and your Refugee Neighbor (E)   - 5550048

Your Muslim Guest (E)   - 5550006



*Note:  Order NTSC for U.S./Canada Video System,
PAL for European Video System

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Happy Easter, Happy Resurection Day, Jesus' Empty Tomb is the main Principle of Our Belief as Followers of Jesus Christ, He has Risen, He is Alive and overcame Death so We may Have Ethernal Life, He died for our Sins on the Cross and after 3 days rose from Death, His Empty Tomb is the Sign of Our Hope & Victory
Iranian Christian Poetry for Easter, He has Risen Farsi Poetry, Jesus has Risen Iranian Poetry

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