Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter SundayGood Friday or Dark Friday when jesus was Crucified and died on the Cross for our SinWe celebrate Jesus' Trimphant entry into Jerusalem, The Beginning of Christian Holy Week - The Passion WeekEaster Sunday, Rejoice the Lord has Raisen, Jesus who died on the cross has raisen from death, The Empty Tomb is the foundation of faith and Salvation
Happy Easter, Happy Resurection Day, Jesus' Empty Tomb is the main Principle of Our Belief as Followers of Jesus Christ, He has Risen, He is Alive and overcame Death so We may Have Ethernal Life, He died for our Sins on the Cross and after 3 days rose from Death, His Empty Tomb is the Sign of Our Hope & Victory

Welcome to Iranian Christians International

Iranian Christians International Inc.

P.O. Box 25607
Colorado Springs,
CO 80936, U.S.A.
Phone: (719) 596-0010
Fax: (719) 574-1141

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Iranian Christian International, Inc.
Iranian Christians International

P.O. Box 25607, Colorado Springs, CO 80936, U.S.A.
Iranian Christian International Office Phone Number in Colorado USA(719) 596-0010 ... Iranian Christians International Office Fax Numberin Colorado, USA(719) 574-1141 ...
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"... In the last days ... I shall restore the fortunes of Elam (Iran), declares the Lord."
Jeremiah 49:39

All human beings are in truth akin;        All in creation share one origin.
When fate allots a member pangs and pains,        No ease for other members then remains.
If, unperturbed, another's grief canst scan,        Thou are not worthy of the name of man.


We are all children of GOD

ICI 2011 Report: Status of Iranian Christians Worldwide

We estimate that the Iranian Church Worldwide has grown to over 200,000 beleivers by 2010 year end (this does not include about 300,000 secret beleivers.) A quarter of these believers live outside of Iran. Also, three-quarter of Iranian Christians are from a Muslim background. We praise the Lord for the work of the Holy Spirit and the faithful ministry of His servants in saving and nourishing these lives.

ICI Ministry Report: 25 Years - 2005

Yes, it has been 25 years! As you read this, it has been exactly 25 years from the time we were planning the very first ICI conference held in May 1980, near Philadelphia. The first issue of Mojdeh was published in June 1980. It was only in English and it was not in a magazine format.

Now about 70 conferences and 70 issues of Mojdeh later here we are still in touch with you and still building on our friendship. And for all these years you have been faithful in praying for us and supporting us financially.

And because of your prayers and financial support, God has enabled us to be part of an unprecedented spiritual awakening and disciple making effort among Iranians and Afghans.

In 1979 there were less than 300 Iranian MBB.s (Muslim Background Believers, i.e. Christians from Muslim families) and only about a dozen Afghan MBB.s. Now the numbers are estimated to be 70,000 (excluding the secret believers) and 5,000 respectively. While the number of Iranian churches and fellowship groups outside of Iran was two, it has now grown to over 100. In the meantime ICI has also helped over 1,000 persecuted Iranian and Afghan families as well as MBB.s from other countries with their resettlement in their new homelands where they worship God free from fear.

ICI has also played a key role in establishing the Iranian Christian identity. Twenty five years ago, Iranians thought an Iranian Christian was someone from an Armenian or Assyrian background. And Americans thought that Iranian Christians did not even exist and all Iranians were fanatical Shia. Muslims.

Now as we look to the future, it looks even brighter. We expect tens of thousands of Iranians and thousands of Afghans to be added to Christ.s church annually.

We now pray for 500,000 Iranian MBB.s and 25,000 Afghan MBB.s by 2015. This prayer is not just based on our imagination, but on how God has demonstrated that with Him all things are possible.

Thank you for your support during the past 25 years. - Abe Ghaffari

Who is ICI?

Iranian Christian International, Inc. (ICI) ministers to the approximately 8 million Iranians and Afghans living outside their countries today. ICI works closely with many mission organizations, churches and Christian workers. The ICI ministry is sustained through the prayers, contributions and commitment of those who share this vision.

Mojdeh is published by ICI. It is supported by donations of Iranians and non-Iranians who share ourvision for Iranian and Afghan evangelism, discipleship and training. The donation for one year's subscription is $8.00 for the U.S. (students $5.00) and $11.00 abroad. Mojdeh has a circulation of 4000 and is distributed in over 30 countries.

ICI profile

  • Established in 1981 and registered under the US IRS Code 501 (c)(3) as a non-profit organization. Our tax ID number is 38-2380524.
  • Networks with over 300 organizations, churches, missionaries and Christian ministries in more than 30 countries.
  • Member of Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) since 1987.
  • ICI Bookstore carries over 600 titles in Persian, Dari, Pushtu and English. Available literature includes videos, books, tracts, pamphlets, cassette tapes and CDs. Materials address a variety of topics, such as Muslim evangelism, Islam, Persian/Islamic culture, Persian praise and worship music, Christian discipleship and testimonies of Muslim convert Christians. In addition, ICI carries a variety of Bibles and New Testaments in Persian and Dari.

    ICI Ministries

  • Friendship and literature evangelism
  • Establishing and strengthening Persian language interdenominational Bible study groups, churches and organizations
  • Publishing Mojdeh (Good News), ICI's quarterly bilingual (Persian/English) magazine
  • Publishing, reprinting and distributing Persian, Dari and English Christian literature for evangelism, discipleship and training
  • Planning and conducting regional and international discipleship conferences and Christian leadership seminars
  • Conducting Iranian/Muslim awareness seminars and training in Iranian/Muslim evangelism
  • Assisting Iranian, Afghan and other Christian refugees from Islamic countries with documentation, referrals, sponsorship and resettlement, advocacy work and monitoring
  • Providing counseling, communication, information and referral services and monitoring human rights of Christians in Muslim countries and providing advocacy on their behalf.

  • Please send your comments, suggestion, prayer requests and news to
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    God's Peace & Blessing be with you

    Happy Easter, Happy Resurection Day, Jesus Our Lord and Saviour Is Alive, Jesus's Empty Tomb and His Resurection from Death is the Basis of our Belief as Followers of Jesus Christ
    Good Friday, Dark Friday, The day Jesus Died on the Cross for our Sin, The Power of The Cross, Power of the cross of Jesus Christ

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