Happy Easter, Happy Resurection Day, Jesus' Empty Tomb is the main Principle of Our Belief as Followers of Jesus Christ, He has Risen, He is Alive and overcame Death so We may Have Ethernal Life, He died for our Sins on the Cross and after 3 days rose from Death, His Empty Tomb is the Sign of Our Hope & Victory
Persian Farsi Children Stories - Traditional Children Story - The Wedding of Khaleh Sooskeh and Agha Moosheh

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Iranian Christian International, Inc.
"... In the last days ... I shall restore the fortunes of Elam (Iran), declares the Lord." Jeremiah 49:39

ICI Catalog
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(P=Persian, E=English)


Journey to Understanding (E)

Del Kingsriter.

A discussion of angels, the holy book, the prophets, the resurrection, and prayer (the pillars of Islamic belief) from a Christian perspective. 30p.



Tales of Persia (E)

W. M. Miller.
True stories of Iranians touched by the Gospel in Iran, delightfully told in a grand fatherly manner by Dr. Miller. 145p.



Reaching Muslims Today (E)
Short handbook by the Arab World Ministries, giving types of approaches and examples of witnessing. Excellent. Only available while supplies last. No longer in print. 63p.



A Christian's Response to Islam (E)
W. M. Miller.
Surveys the Islamic faith and lovingly shows why it is inadequate to meet the spiritual needs of men. 178p.



Your Muslim Guest (E)
W. M. Miller.
Practical guide to friendship evangelism of Muslims. 15p.



How to Share the Good News With Your Muslim Friend (E)
M. Kershaw.
Basic suggestions concerning building friendships with Muslims and how to share the Gospel with them. 28p.



Christian Reply to Muslim Objections (E)
W. Tisdall.

A manual containing the main objections that Islam brings to Christianity and how to answer them. 224p.



Strategies for Sharing the Gospel With Muslims in the U.S. (E)
E. and M. Ghaffari.

Practical guide to Muslim pre-evangelism and evangelism. Felt-need approach. 44p.



Christianity's Supreme Opportunity (E)
Shows the special opportunities for evangelism that Islam presents and highlights the encouraging response to the Gospel shown by Muslims today. 16p.



Christian Witness Among Muslims (E)
India edition. Study materials to enable Christians to love their Muslim neighbors and share Christ with them. 96p.



Understanding Some Muslim Misunderstandings (E)
E. Hahn.
A well documented booklet on some misinterpretations Muslims give to Scriptures. For Christians only. 15p.



The Bible and Islam-Sharing God's Word With a Muslim (E)
B. Madany.
Relates the gospel genuinely and relevantly to the Muslim mind. 92p.



Sharing Your Faith With a Muslim (E)
A. Haqq.
An authoritative apologetic for use in witnessing to Muslims. Contains a great many quotations. 189p.



Why is it Difficult for a Muslim to Become a Christian? (E)
A. Masih.
Presents some of the main hindrances to Muslims becoming Christians. 32p.



Christians are Indebted to Muslims (E)
Shaykh M. Mansur.
Briefly shares four important points in sharing the Gospel
with Muslims. Written by a former Muslim. 4p.



Christian Approach to Muslims (E)
J. Dretke.

Unique in-depth study and re-examination of our motives and methods. 268p.



History of American (Presbyterian)Missions to Iran (E)

J. Elder.
In-depth description of the history of the Presbyterian
mission work in Iran from 1834-1960. 120p.



Being a Muslim's Wife (E)
Abdullah Al Araby.
A tract about Christian women who marry Muslim men and what their lives might become like. 5p.



Understanding the Muslim Mindset (E)
Sam Schlorff. A compilation dealing with questions often asked about Islam. 24p.



Christ and Caesar in Christian Missions (E)
E.L. Frizen, Jr. and W.T. Coggins, Editors.
A practical, Bible based book to prepare missionaries to cope with political change, minister under totalitarian
regimes and prepare the church for life in a hostile society. 152p.



A Prayer for Muslims (E)
Short prayer for more effective proclamation of the Gospel in Muslim lands and the Christian believers and workers in the Muslim world. 1p.



Why Share Our Faith With Muslims? (E)
E. Hahn.
A brief introduction to Islam and Muslim ideas about Christ, encouraging Christians to share the gospel with Muslims. 6p.



How Can I Relate to a Muslim? (E)
R. Joyce.
Gives Christians basic advice on befriending and witnessing to Muslims. 6p.



What is the Baha'i World Faith? (E)
W. M. Miller.
Principles of the Baha'i Faith and shows how it is inadequate for man's needs and unable to fulfill its claims. 12p.



The Baha'i Faith: Its History and Teachings (E)

W. M. Miller.
Brings together many little events and incidents which for the first time focus on the history and beginnings of the Baha'i faith. 431p.



How to Share Your Christian Faith with Muslims (E)
Ernest Hahn.
Offers an understanding of Islam and Muslims and a comparison of Islam and Christian ideas for effective Christian witness to Muslims. 9p.



Way Of Evangelism (P)
W. M. Miller.
Miller offers some practical ideas for sharing the Gospel with Iranians, based on his years of ministry experience with Iranians. (Photocopy quality). 82p.



History of Iranian Christians (P)
Z. Behravesh.
A short history of the Iranian church from ancient times to the present. (English 5550059).160p.



Discipleship in Islamic Society (E)
Samuel Schlorff. Discusses qualities to develop in Muslim converts to Christianity, obstacles to their discipleship and Christian doctrinal contextualization.78p.



Life of Muslim Women (E)
An overview of different aspects of life in the Muslim world as a woman. (Photocopy quality). 47p.



Christ and Christianity Among Iranians Volume 1 (P)
H.B. Dehqani-Tafti.
This volume contains a short historical survey of the growth of Christianity in Iran, before and after Islam to the 20th century. The second part of the book deals with Jesus in the Qur'an and in the Muslim Tradition.  (5550042 Volume 2, 5550058 Volume 3). 159p.



Sharing the Good News with Muslims (E)
Bill Dennett.
A concise guide to helping a person know how to share Christ with Muslims. The author has had over 35 years of experience telling Muslims about Jesus in the country of Australia. 131p.



For the Sake of Truth (E)
Iskander Jadeed.
The exciting testimony of a Muslim convert to Christ. 292p.



The Qur'an and the Bible in the Light of History and Science (E)
Dr. William Campbell.
The author gives an excellent overview of the history of the development of the Qur'an and the Gospels and shows how the Qur'an supports the books of Moses, the Psalms and the Gospels. 343p.



Christ and Christianity Among Iranians Volume 2 (P)
H.B. Dehqani-Tafti.
This volume covers about 1000 years of Persian literary history. (5550038 Volume 1, 5550058 Volume 3). 192p.



Preparing Missionaries for Intercultural Communication (E)
Lyman E. Reed.
The purpose of this book is to enable cross-cultural missionaries to be more adequately prepared for the task of intelligent communications. 208p.



One to One (E)
Terry Wardle.
A practical guide to friendship evangelism. It provides an alternative to fear of evangelism. 204 p.



Touching - Soul of Islam (E)
Bill Musk.
An explanation of how our Muslim neighbors think and how we can present the Gospel in a way that will allow them to respond to our message, not just the messenger. 256p.



Reaching Muslims for Christ (E)
William J. Saal.
Muslims--they're unreachable, right? Wrong! Whether you're a novice in Muslim outreach or are already involved at a higher level, you'll find this field-tested counsel to be both fascinating and helpful. 223p.



The World at Your Doorstep (E)
Lawson Lau.
A Handbook for International Student Ministry.
Here are the tools for a worldwide ministry at home. 144p.



You and your Refugee Neighbor (E)
Lorna Anderson.

27 p.



Women in Islam (E)
P. Newton and M. Rafiqul Haqq.
The purpose of this booklet is to consider the place of women in the pure teaching of Islam. 54p.



Answering Islam: The Crescent in the Light of the Cross (E)
Norman L. Geisler and Abdul Saleeb.
These two authors have given one of the most comprehensive expositions and most complete evaluations of Islam in print. 336p.



How to Share the Gospel With Our Muslim Brothers (E)
Iskander Jadeed.
Instructions to the preacher witnessing to Muslims and a presentation of Christian beliefs to which Muslims object. 170p.



What is the Baha'i World Faith (P)
Dr. William Miller.
A brief presentation of the history and teachings of the Baha'i Faith. 28p.



Planting Churches in Muslim Cities (E)
Greg Livingstone.
A blueprint for church planting in Muslim cities that is both biblical and culturally appropriate. 271p.



More to be Desired than Gold (E)
Dr. Christy Wilson.
Well written experiences of Christians from real life telling about the amazing things that the Living God does. 179p.



Christ and Christianity Among Iranians Volume Three (P)
Bishop H.B. Dehqani-Tafti.
Read of the great change in Persian literature and art in the 19th and 20th centuries. (5550038 Volume 1, 5550042 Volume 2). 578p.



History of Christians in Iran (E)
Zarin Behravesh Pakizegi.
This book presents the history of the Persian church from the very beginning to the present. (Persian 5550035). 265p.



A Fragrance of Oppression (E)
Herbert Schlossberg.
The Church and Its Persecutors. One thing is sure: conflict between Christianity and human government (especially totalitarianism) is inevitable; the two are in competition for human souls. But this book shows, there is hope for fruitful, faithful Christian life and witness no matter how difficult the circumstance! 252 p.



The Art of Evangelism (P)

Joseph Nazanin
Specifically written for evangelism among Iranians, based on the author.s many years of experience 97 p.



Thriving in Another Culture: A Handbook for Cross-Cultural Missions (E)

Jo Ann Dennett
Published by Acorn Press in 1998. 116 p.


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