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History Of The Christians In Iran - A book by Zarin Behravesh Pakizegi HISTORY

Zarin Behravesh Pakizegi


1. The Background   1
2. The Christians in Iran from the First to the Seventh Centuries   5
3. The Christians in Iran during the Arab and Islamic Occupation   33
4. The Safavids and the Early Missionary Effort   49
5. The Ghajar Dynasty and the Protestant Missionaries   77
6. The American Missionaries in Iran   95
7. Post War Mission Activities in Iran   145
8. The Churches in Iran under the Pahlavi Dynasty   169
9. The Revolution of 1978 and the Persecution of Christians   199
10. Christian Denominations   211
11. Christian Martyrs under the Islamic Republic of Iran   235
12. Literature and radio Ministries   245
Select Bibliography   265

Where To Order This Book:
  • Iranian Christians International [#5550035 (Persian), #5550059 (English)] Iranian Christians International Phone Number(719) 596-0010 Iranian Christians International Fax Number(719) 574-1141
  • All rights reserved by Zarin Behravesh Pakizegi

    Printed in the U.S.A. by Sooner Printing, Inc.
    2816 N. Pennsylvania, Oklahoma City, OK 73107

    Distributed br Dr. Behzad Pakizegi,
    P.O. Box 600476, San Diego, CA 92160
    Tel:(619) 283-0880
    Note: Available in both English and Farsi

    Prayer Alert:  Please lift up Iran and Iranians in your prayers
    Please pray for the Iranian Leaders - for Wisdom and an encopunter with Jesus
    Please pray for the safety of those arrested and for families of those killed

    Iranian Praise & Worship Music by Sarah at FarsiNet, Farsi Gospel Music by Sarah, Glibert Hovsepian, Rev. Jalil Sepehr, Felix Amirian, Qader Eshpari, Farsi Christian Music by Sarah of the Iranian Church of California

    Please send your comments and suggestions to zarin@farsinet.com
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