> Resources:
The entire New Testament is availavle in audio cassette.
The Gospel of John is available online in RealAudio
(Part 1 - 90 minutes)
(Part 2 - 55 minutes)
What Child Is This?
- An study of "Who Jesus is"
God's Story: From Creation To Eternity
Other Resources Prepared by Church of San Diego
Talking Bible In Farsi (Ketabe Moghdas Goya)
The entire Farsi NT in a one compact unit, shape of a small copy of the Bible, for $35.
You can order from:
Talking Bibles
419 East Grand Ave.
Escondido, CA 92025
Phone: 1-760-745-8150
Fax: 1-760-745-8150
email: Info@talkingbibles.org