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Opinion, Comments, Suggestions and Questions of Gorbeh WebSite Visitors


From: slbevis

I just loved the picture of your persian cat. I have a black and white (simi-peke-faced), persian, and she is the queen of the house. She is so sweet, but really hard on the other cats.


From: slbevis

My opinion is very simple. Persian cats are the most luxurious cats in the world. Many well known kings and queens of countries had once kept them as pets. These cats are known well for their exotic colors,such as The Grand Champion of The Persian Cats; Golden Delight has gold and silver colors. These cats have long silky fur which made them famous. These cats are very obedient,so they are great companions for everyone.


From: Michele Rusnack

Thank you for this very informative website. I love Persian cats and as long as I can remember I have had one. I read about Persians on the net whenever I get a chance. Yesterday I came across your site and I really enjoyed it. I am bookmarking it. Its great to see a website for Persian cats by Persians.
I also enjoyed the art & music section of your website.



From: Hojat M.


Yes, I agree with you, also in finland persian cats have a great reputation!!! Very very expensive and almost every one would like to have a PERSIAN CAT!

However every thing in persian is peerless and great!!!

Dont you think so???

Best regards, H. M.


From: Anastasia

I was so shocked to see the the subject because indeed I am having a ringworm problem and it has spread to my snowshoe as well as my family. Thank you so much for this letter.

From: Roya - Gorbeh Webmaster (Following is the RingWorm warning news Anastasia is reffering to)


As a friendly note to other Persian / Himalayan enthusiasts, We want to make you aware that Persian Cat owners and breeders are being overwhelmed by a ringworm epidemic sweeping the country.

If you're having a Ringworm or other kind of skin problem with your Persian, or anticipate going to any shows, take preventative action before you go.

Proffessional Persian Cat owners and breeders have found that using EQyss Micro-Tek shampoo and leave-on spray was the quickest and safest way to neutralize their cats skin problems and they're 100% safe for them and their cats.

These products are available at most pet stores and are guaranteed. We hope this information is of value.

Sincerely, FarsiNet Gorbeh (Persian cat) Webmaster

Source of information: West Coast Persian / Himalayan Breeders Association

( Gorbeh - Persian Cat                  )
( Cat Names, Cat Humor, Cat Stories,... )

From: Jeela Honarvar

Mercy for your Gorbeh website. I really enjoyed all different information you have gathered and created for Persian cat. I have looked at many cat websites but yours has a different feeling. You must be a cat lover.

Also thank you for the gallery (a good test for my new color printer) and the Persian Cat Names. I was delighted to see my Cat's name (Palang) in your list. I'll send you some other Persian Cat names when I get a chance.

Best of luck to your work in this website


From: Julie H.
Subject: Beautiful site. What is the bg music?? Thank you for great job you have done with this web site. My husband and I love Persian cats and we have three of our own. I have added your web site to our favorite list for future reference.

I have one question. What kind of music is the background music you use in this web site?

Thank you very much and keep up the great work, Julie.


Hello Julie,

Glad to hear you enjoyed the Gorbeh Webpages and found them useful.

The music I use as background music came from FarsiNet. I beleive these background music are all classical or well know persian songs that have been redone using keyboard and generated in midi format.

FarsiNet has informed me that several of the background sounds came from Persian Midi.

Mercy & do come back & visit us again, Nader


From: Steve Zimmer
Subject: What is Gorebeh??

What is "Gorbeh"? Does it mean anything? What language? - Steve


Hello Steve, Mercy for visiting Gorbeh WebPage. "Gorbeh" means cat in Persian language. Note that sometimes the language is called "Farsi". "Gorbeh'eh Irani" means Persian Cat in Farsi. Farsi is the language of Persians.


From: catlove
Subject: Glad to find this beautiful website

Hello and hello. Thank you for this beautiful website. I am so glad to find that there are Persian Cat lovers. Beautiful pictures and so many great links.

Also many thanks for the Persian Cat names. My cat's name is Bab'r. I have always spelled it Bab'r, but I noticed you spelled it Babr. Any difference?

Thanks you and keep up the great work. Cathy J.


From: Ross Arriola
Subject: 'Bubba'

We love your web site and our persian "Bubba", a cream male who has just turned one. He is a real baby as his name implies. He reflects the sweet disposition of the breed and follows strange cats around meowing, trying to make friends even though they often hiss at him. We have shown Bubba the pictures on your web site and he thinks the girl cats are very attractive. We will send a picture of him soon so that girl cats can e-mail him if they think he is cute. We thought that we were the onlly people obsessed with our cats until we saw this web site.

From fellow cat lovers in Australia: Ross, Tara, Bubba and Minx (his short-haired white tabby companion).


From: aalborz
Subject: Persian Cat

I'm looking to buy a Persian Cat.

Do you know where I can find a store that sells Persian cats. I need this ASAP,since I wanna send it as a gift for someone's birthday by tomorrow.I appreciate it if you could get back to me very soon.



You can start at

Also check

Good Luck and let us know how it goes. - Koroush


From: yunming cai
Subject: Wonderful Page!

Thank you for your wonderful page! It really is one of these seemingly little things that make you wonder if you have love this life enough. I just had a silver persian kitten myself. He's my best friend in every sense of the word. And after read your page, your wonderful stories. I know I'm not alone. There're still lots of love, wonder, and magic left in this world. Life is beautiful.

Thank you. - Yunming Cai


From: Sue
Subject: Persian Cat Rescue

I Found your page and saw that you had a link to ours. Thanks so much. We're just updating ours and will add a link to yours since it has some very useful info on Persians.

One thing...when you click on our name I receive an error message. Please make sure you have our address correct:

Thanks so much! - Sue


Sue, Thanks for the note and info on the bad link. I checked and fixed the problem.

Regards, Koroush


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