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Sohrab Books - Christian Literature |
![]() (Text in Persian) ISBN 1/870312/27/9 Price (English Pound): £ 5.0 |
In this collection we find a range of subjects as varied as the leaves of a tree.
Included are two lectures by Dr. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury delivered at Al Azhar University, Cairo and the Islamic University of Pakistan. Despite this distinguished background as Professor of Divinity at Oxford, these addresses are accessible explanations of Christian faith. Also included, is a translation of an article by Dr. Cragg on Islam today, and another by M. Zarnegar on the adoption of the Crescent as a sign of victory after the conquest of Constantinople. The breadth of this anthology is apparent in its inclusion of sayings, poems, prayers and meditations. There is material to guide worship, and sayings on death. There is also room for some humorous poems. |
![]() (Text in Persian) ISBN 1-870312-26-0 Price (English Pound): £ 3.0 |
A Book of three stories in Persian Verse.
The first imagines the Prodigal Son who, once he has returned home, experiences dissatisfaction and desires to leave. The Steward of the house explores the true nature of following which challenges the son's false expectations. The story seeks to address the intellectual and emotional difficulties faced by Christian believers. The second deals with the action and reaction of nature, humans and God in tragic events such as the Tsunami. Finally there is a revision of "The Story of God and Man" setting out God's revelation to the world through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Two new incidents, the healing of the woman with a haemorrhage and the parable of the vineyard have been included. |
(Text in Persian) ISBN 1-870312-27-9 Price (English Pound): £ 4.0 | This book is an anthology of poetry, short sayings, aphorisms, and devotional writings suitable for meditation and prayers. |
(Text in Persian) Price (English Pound): £ 4.0 |
This book contains a short biography, and the poems, of the greatest
contemporary Christian poet in Iran, Jalil Qazzaq Irvani. It was first
published in Isfahan after his death in 1956. The poems are mainly on
Christian topics and the experiences of the poet. They are in classical
style. The book also contains a few samples of his beautiful
It is out of print now. Photocopies could be sent on request. The cost will depend on the services at the time. |
(Text in English) Published by Canterbury Press ISBN 1-85311-379-4 | This book is the translation of "Yek Chah O Do Cheshmeh" edited by Dr. K. Cragg, and can be ordered through any local bookshop. |
(Text in Persian)
This short history was written in 1959 to commemorate the 50th anniversary
of St Luke's Church in Isfahan.
The booklet mentions the beginnings of Christianity in Iran, and how the "Church Missionary Society" started work in the southern part of the country, as a result of which St Luke's came to be built. Several pictures show the alterations made for the building's Golden Jubilee. Sincere thanks are due to Pete Gardner Photography in London for having recreated this booklet from an old copy, preparing it for print. |
(Text in Persian)
According to Acts 17:16-31 when Paul conversed with some leading Athenians
about Jesus, his hearers accused him of being a "charlatan" and a
"propagandist for foreign deities". So he referred them to their own
cultural heritage, saying: "as some of your own poets have said". Thus
establishing a point of contact with them, he could better explain who
Jesus was.
The Christian message is often misunderstood by Muslims and Christian preachers accused of being "foreign agents". Iran has its own glorious and worthy literature. Persian Christians ought to familiarize themselves with this heritage and let it be a "point of contact" with their Muslim compatriots in order to bring home Christ`s Gospel to them. This book contains examples of how Persian poetry readily serves to take to Persian hearts the truths of the Christian faith in no foreign way. |
(Text in Persian)
| This book is an adaptation of "How Came our Faith" by the late Professor W. A. Elmslie. It was first published in Isfahan by Nuri-Jahan publications in 1962 under the title "Men of God". It deals with the life and work of seven Old Testament prophets, and considers how their message is as applicable to the world today as it was in their time. |
(Text in Persian) ISBN 1-870312-22-B Price: £4.50 | This short historical survey gives the reasons for the decline of Christianity in the East from pre-Islamic times until the end of the fourteenth Century. It is based on L.E. Browne's work "The Eclipse of Christianity in Asia", Cambridge University Press, 1933. |
(Text in Persian & English) ISBN 1-870312-20-1 Price: £10.00 |
The Revd N. Sharp lived in Iran for 43 years as Missionary/Priest, University Assistant Professor (old & middle Persian languages). This book contains beautiful Persian designs Sharp used as boarders for Persian poems about Christ with English translation, which he used as large Christmas cards. Examples of some cuneiform texts with English translation are also given, as well as a short biography of Sharps`s life.
This book is produced in full colour on special paper sized 35 x 26 cm. As it is being sold well under cost price no reductions apply. |
(Text in Persian) ISBN 1-870312-21-X Price: £3.00 | It is true that we become like the God we worship. Therefore it is important for us to know as much as possible about him. This book attempts to tell, in Persian verse, how Jesus Christ revealed God's character to humankind. |
YEK Chah o Do Cheshmeh (One well with two sources) An Autobiography in Persian by H.B. Dehqani-Tafti ISBN 1 870312 18x Price £10.00 | This book tells the story of a boy starting from a
village in Iran (now a town), caught struggling
between Islamic and Christian beliefs, Persian and
English mentality and way of life, difficulties of faith in
God and unfaith; going through mental, spiritual
and psychological tensions; enduring tragic and
hair-raising events during the Iranian Revolution;
then finding himself an exile with his family in Britain.
The story is written in simple and yet sincere language, with a foreword by J.V. Taylor, Bishop of Winchester 1975-1985. The English translation of this book is published by Canterbury Press under the name, "The Unfolding Design of my World". A Pilgrim in Exile., ISBN 1-85311-379-4. |
(Text in Persian) H. B. Dehqani-Tafti ISBN 1-870312-17-1 Price £3.00 | This work is a study on the subject of the Faithful Remnant
the Bible. It is based on John Drewett's 'Not Many Mighty'.
The book was first published in Persian following Bishop Dehqani-Tafti's lectures on the subject at a Christian Youth Conference in Tehran 1952. The production of this book has been made possible by donations from Canon A.T.Howden's family and friends, given in his memory." |
LIFE's JOURNEY (Text in Persian) H. B. Dehqani-Tafti ISBN 1-870312-00-7 Price £4.00 | This is a Persian translation, in 288 pages, of an English book called "Journey for a Soul" by George Appleton who has written this about the book:
"This book of thoughts from the Bible, insights gathered from the readings of many years, prayers of other people which spoke to my own spirit, and others which came out of my own spirit is the product of a long and adventurous life. I hope that those who use this book will take plenty of time over each section, and not just hurry through as an easy, ready-to-hand substitute for their own reflection, meditation and prayer, though even this may be helpful when mind and spirit are tired. I hope they will let their minds wander and go off at tangents in the stimulation of any thought or prayer, so that their own unrecognized needs may be met, and they too feel in touch with an unseen Companion on their spiritual journey". |
THE HARD AWAKENING (Text in English) H. B. Dehqani-Tafti ISBN 1-870312-12-0 Price £2.50 | This book is a reprint in 116 pages of the original English text written about a year after the Iranian Revolution,
by the then Bishop in Iran. The following descriptions have been written about the book:
"A courageous personal testament of love that outlives violence and death. He escaped assassination - his wife was wounded saving his life. His only son was murdered. His fellow priests were killed, imprisoned, or forced into exile. Friends and colleagues, including his secretary Jean Waddell, and John and Audrey Coleman, were imprisoned, accused of spying".He writes: "The power to suffer hardship, persecution and martyrdom was granted to us by God and we thank him for counting us worthy to witness to his love ... It is because I love my country and my people, and above all my small church that I have recorded the things which have happened to us". |
MOSHKEL -i - ESHQ (Text in Persian) H. B. Dehqani-Tafti ISBN 1-870312-01-5 Price £4.00 | This is a Persian translation in 144 pages of the above mentioned book, "The Hard Awakening". This book was first translated into Danish and became the best seller in Denmark in 1981. Then other translations into German, Persian, Arabic and Icelandic followed. |
CHIMES OF CHURCH BELLS (Text in Persian) H. B. Dehqani-Tafti ISBN 1-870312-03-1 Price £4.00 | This book of 162 pages is an attempt to interpret principles of Christianity to Persian speaking peoples with Muslim background. In producing this book, the writer has greatly benefitted from the writings of Dr. K. Cragg, both in method and subject matter, particularly the second half of this famous book "The Call of the Minaret". Bishop Cragg, while very sympathetic to Islam, remains deeply faithful to the essence of Christianity. |
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS (Text in Persian) H. B. Dehqani-Tafti ISBN 1-870312-05-8 Price £4.00 | This book of 155 pages contains over 30 articles, each of which answers an important question about
Christian faith and life.
Issues covered include:
In the second edition of the book a critical article on the subject "Plagued by the West" and "Return to Self" under the title "Disserved or Served by the West - What is the meaning of Return to Self?" has been added. |
(Text in English) H. B. Dehqani-Tafti ISBN 1-870312-04-x Price £1.50 | This booklet, in 36 pages, is based on a lecture which the writer gave to the Iran Society in London on 17th December 1986. Although the text of the lecture is in English, the Persian poems quoted are given in the original Persian language. |
THE COSTLINESS OF LOVE (Text in Persian) H. B. Dehqani-Tafti ISBN 1-870312-0-02-3 Price £2.00 | This is the fifth reprint of a book of 77 pages. It is an attempt to explain the reasonableness of faith in God in today's world, and to interpret the essentials of Christianity to Persian speaking people with the help of the Bible and Persian poets. |
CHRIST AND CHRISTIANITY AMONGST THE IRANIANS (Text in Persian) Volume 1: A short historical survey H. B. Dehqani-Tafti ISBN 1-870312-07-4 Price £5.00 | This book, of 159 pages, is the first of three volumes under the above title. In the first part it contains a short historical survey of Christianity in Iran, before Islam, at the time of the Arab Invasion, Abbasids, Saljuqes, Mongols, Timurids, Afshars, and Qajars. It also gives a summary of the activities of varied missionary groups from different countries, together with a resumé of Church organisations and Christian groups. The second part deals with Jesus in the Quran and in the Muslim traditions. An appendix on the works of Arabic speaking writers completes this section. This book has an index of names of persons and places. |
CHRIST AND CHRISTIANITY AMONGST THE IRANIANS (Text in Persian) Volume 2: The Classical period of Persian poetry H. B. Dehqani-Tafti ISBN 1-870312-08-2 Price £5.00 | This volume, of 192 pages, covers about 1000 years of Persian literary history from the poet Roodaki (died c.940 a.d.) to the Qajar period. Extensive quotations are given from 30 of the most important poets of the classical traditions, giving examples of what each poet said about Christ and Christianity. These texts are accompanied by a short biographical account of each writer. This book has an index of names of persons and places. |
CHRIST AND CHRISTIANITY AMONGST THE IRANIANS (Text in Persian) Volume 3: Contemporary poetry and prose H. B. Dehqani-Tafti ISBN 1-870312-10-4 Price £10.00 | This last volume in the trilogy, of 578 pages, deals with the great change in Persian literature and art which
occured in the 19th and 20th centuries, partly as a result of Iran's contact with the West. In this new era of literature,
Christian symbols were no longer politically identified with Western imperialism.
This book also contains samples of writings and translations about Christianity by famous Persian authors. It mentions some important Christian books written in or translated into Persian, and includes works of Persian Christians in prose and poetry, together with examples of sculptures, miniatures, designs, buildings and musical compositions. This book has a comprehensive Bibliography covering all the books and articles in Persian and in other languages mentioned in all the three volumes of the trilogy. It also has an index of names of persons, places and languages. |
H. B. Dehqani-Tafti ISBN 1-870312-11-2 Price £4.00 for both booklet and tape Price £2.50 if bought separately | This collection of hymns has been taken from the Church of Iran Hymnal which was printed in 1961 as a combined effort between the Presbyterian and Episcopalian churches, and is now out of print. In order that people may be able to enjoy some of their favourite hymns, thirty nine of them (the number that the cassette could hold) have been included in this booklet. All of these are sung by a few young people and recorded in a first class studio, so that people can hear them being sung while they look at the words in the book. |
BAHRAM WILLIAM DEHQANI-TAFTI (Text in English) H. B. Dehqani-Tafti ISBN 1-870312-09-0 Price £2.00 | This is a reprint of a 70 page booklet about one of the Christian martyrs of the Iranian Church.
Mr. Robin Waterfield, a man who spent a great deal of his life in the publishing world has written:
"This small booklet is a tribute to one of the most remarkable young men of his generation - BAHRAM DEHQANI-TAFTI: Son of the Bishop in Iran, and his English wife Margaret, Bahram loved both countries deeply. As a student in Oxford he took part in an amazingly large variety of activities - culturial, musical and sporting - before going on to postgraduate work in the U.S.A. After that Bahram determined to return to Iran, then on the throes of revolution. But he was struck down by an assassin's bullet in May 1980 at the age of 24. During his short life Bahram endeared himself to a wide range of people. This short compilation expresses the love and friendship of many who knew him." |
DIVINE SUFFERING (Text in Persian) H. B. Dehqani-Tafti ISBN 1-870312-13-9 Price £4.00 | This book of 171 pages and in two parts, is a reprint of a collection of original poems and translations from many sources. In it's introduction the writer says that he does not claim to be a poet in the technical sense of the word, but whenever an event or a view has stirred his emotions, or a piece of religious literature in English has impressed him, he has tried to put them into the Persian language in verse form, so that those who have no access to the original may be able to enjoy them. The first part contains subjects such as the meaning of the cross in versified story form, hymns for Christian weddings, songs about Iran and many other interesting subjects. The second part contains songs and hymns for children and young people. |
(Text in English & Persian with music) H. B. Dehqani-Tafti ISBN 1-870312-14-7 Price £4.00 | This book contains 57 hymns, together with a short introduction giving the history of hymnody in Iran. It also contains short historical notes about the hymn writers and translators, and some of the composers of the tunes. This book is very helpful when Persian speaking people worship with English Christians. |
(Text in Persian) H. B. Dehqani-Tafti ISBN 1-870312-15-5 Price £3.00 | During 1941 and 1942, the BBC presented twelve plays on the life of Christ, written by the famous writer Dorothy Sayers. They proved to be a great religious event. Soon after, these plays were published in one volume entitled "The Man Born to be King". Three of these plays recounting the birth, death and resurrection of Christ were later translated into Persian and were enthusiastically performed by youth groups in various churches in Iran. The present volume, in 135 pages, is a reprint of three plays which it is hoped will serve to benefit and enrich Persian speaking Christians throughout the world. |
ANXIETY AND PEACE (Text in Persian) H. B. Dehqani-Tafti ISBN 1-870312-16-3 Price £2.00 | This work was first published by Nur-i-Jahan publications, Tehran in 1969, and was greeted with enthusiasm by inquirers after Truth. The need for it's reprint was felt by many. It has been revised, and printing mistakes corrected. This book deals with the following subjects: Existentialism and Faith in God. An attempt to explain the Incarnation to Muslims. The Meaning of Dialogue. The Alchemy of Change. The Meaning of Emmanuel. |
LIKE UNTO HIM (Translated into Persian by H.B. Dehqani-Tafti) ISBN 1-870312-19-8 Price £3.00 |
This book is in two parts. The first section is the translation of "Christian Character" by the late Bishop Stephen Neill.
In its original form it appears as No. 6 in the "World Christian Books" series which Neill edited during the second half of the twentieth century.
The second part is a free translation of "From Palm Sunday to Easter", which included eight radio talks presented by the late Archbishop William Temple. The programmes, based on Jesus' last words from the cross, were originally broadcast in Holy Week during the Second World War. |
The items listed in the Catalogue can be ordered from the following: | |
Sohrab Books (In Europe)
Email: themanor@globalnet.co.uk
Elam Ministries (In UK)
P. O. Box 75 Godalming Surrey GU8 6YP, UK ![]() Email: publication@elam.com |
Iranian Christian International (In U.S.)
P.O. Box 25607 Colorado Springs, CO 80936 U.S. ![]() Email: info@iranchristians.org |
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