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Mashhad Rugs - Persian carpets of Mashhad

Located in Northeastern Iran, Mashhad is an important center of the carpet weaving industry. It is also considered the most holy city of Iran. This is because it holds the shrine of Imam Reza who is very dear to Muslims around the world. Mashad carpets are usually bright and cleverly colored therefore litteraly giving life to any dull room. Their color schemes are usually tones of red or blue. Mashad carpets are very well made and they will last a very long time, as would any other persian rug.

Persian Rug Mashhad design

MASHAD Carpet Properties:

Visibility: Mashad rugs and carpets are mostly curvilinear with the single central medallion and corner floral design, and very busy curvilinear floral motifs in the background.

Quality: Mashad is known for producing some of the best wool in IRAN. Mashad rugs and carpets have very high quality. MASHAD carpets are one of the most great looking carpet in IRAN and the world.

Size & Shapes: Mashad rugs and carpets have different size and majority of them are large size(10 x 18 feet).

Color: Dark red ,blue and khaki are the main colors in MASHAD carpets.

Texture: Soft wool, thin, tight piles.

Foundation: Warps are mostly cotton, wefts either cotton or wool.

Knots: Weaver in MASHAD are using Persian knots, so You should check the back of carpet. The number of Knots varies and depend of the quality of carpet but the average is around 120 KPSI (30 RAJ) up to 475 KPSI (60 RAJ).

Price: $3-$15 Per Square Feet (PSF) for nice carpet from MASHAD. You will pay much more as the number of the KPSI goes up.

Other Info; | The Timeless Appeal of the Persian Rug | Persian Rug Designs | The Future of Persian Carpet | The Largest Persian Carpet In the World | Persian Rug Portraits |
Samples; | Baluch (Saghi) | Isfahan (Saghi) | Mashhad | Kashan Silk (Yahuddi) | Rug Market | Repairing Rug | 1 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
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