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[ Neda Najibi | The Ground I Walk On (Poetry Book) | Poetry Book Press Release, June 1999 | Poetry Recital | Poetry -> BECAUSE OF ME | FIRE, FIRE, HERE I AM | HAPPY BIRTHDAY - NOW PUT ME TO REST! | I AM SAFE | IT'S A PITY YOU FORGOT HER ]



                  Inspired by the Malibu Fires in 1992.
                  This poem reads from a Fire's perspective 


I have opened your Eyes I have opened your Heart I have opened the Door I have threatened you I have caused disaster I have no intention to take life - rather, I save it I just want to burn, to glow, to show me My magnificent colors Ironically, I have tried to save you From the fetters of this world Do not deplore your destiny. Implore it! You call me a beast A beast that has devoured your very being No my friend, I have wakened your being I have allowed you to feel With your heart without a second thought I have not only unlocked the door but I have opened it I have set your gaze on a spectacular sight, me - Powerful, Dangerous, Terrifying, Horrific - Fear me For fear itself leads the way I have penetrated your heart So that you may feel, maybe for the first time The value, the love and the purpose of life. I have become a wall of fire and I have consumed Your ridiculous material posssessions That you have lived to acquire Your fear, really was not my desire - Go ahead call me a liar! I have set your heart ablaze Burn as it is the extreme awakening to your life; itís purpose. For the jewel lost leads to the treasure saved The treasure you never searched for, Yet the treasure that awaits your hunt. Because of me you can be a friend to yourself. Enter your new world Take your loved ones and live a detached life Quench your thirst with the fountain of life that Awaits you, an over abundance supply Live true so that your spirit may live for eternity. Fire, Fire, Now I'll go.

[ Neda Najibi | The Ground I Walk On (Poetry Book) | Poetry Book Press Release, June 1999 | Poetry Recital | Poetry -> BECAUSE OF ME | FIRE, FIRE, HERE I AM | HAPPY BIRTHDAY - NOW PUT ME TO REST! | I AM SAFE | IT'S A PITY YOU FORGOT HER ]

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