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Mashhad - Iran's Holy City
City Significance and History ... Map of Mashhad - Zoom up to street level
History of Imam Reza's Shrine
Nader Shah Mausoleum and Museum
Khaje Rabi Mausoleum
Who is a Mashtee??
Mashhad Image Gallery
Mashhad Rugs
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Mashhad Weather - Current conditions and 5 day forecast
Province of Khorasan ... Khorasan News Paper
Neyshabur - Hakim Omar-e-Khoyyam & Attar
Ferdowsi - Hakim Abol-Ghasem Ferdowsi Toosi (940-1020 AD)
Saffron - ZahFaron, The most expensive spice in the world
Area Code of Cities in Iran
Visitors' Opinion, Comments and FAQ
Map of Mashhad, Holy City of Iran, Capitol of Iran's Largest Province
Opinion of Mashtee Visitors

I am English moved to Mashad 2 yrs ago I would love to hear from any other English people residing here in Mashad. Best wishes - J.

Salaam refigh-haaye mashadi-e-khodom !

First of all congratulation on your page. It's more than amazing! I'm from Mashhad, born and raised and live in Canada now. I think now I can show my husband and my friends my beautiful place of birth. thanks to you guys.

Dovomanesh...are there anymore websites about mashhad that you know of ?

Third of all, did you guys forget about Lawashak and Ghareh-ghooroot from Shandeez and Torghabeh? I guess only a girl will remember those stuff ! :) what about free toot? remember climbing those trees and eating those white+ giant+ juicy toots? mmmmmm

Again guys well done ! and khasteh nabaashid! I am definitely bookmarking this page.

Regards Hedieh

Great Web Page, I wish there were more Iranian cities so well represented, maybe I should start one for Nohshahr where I was in Peace Corps.

I have been using the nickname Mashtali while on the internet for some time as my Iranian coworkers dubbed me that since I had seen the Imam's tomb on my trip there. I almost transgressed on the grounds of the mosque while there and would have been embarrassed if I had even if nobody minded. I hope true Mashadis' won't mind too much my calling myself Mashtali. I keep hoping to link up with old friends as I lost all contact when I came home.

Thank you;   Mashtali Pilevar   aka   Leslie Chapman

Salam Leslie,

Merci for visiting my home page Mashhad. I am glad you found it useful and interesting.

I think its a great idea if you start a webpage for Noshahr. That's how I got started. I am sure FarsiNet would be willing to host it if you provide the content. If interested get in touch with Kourosh and suggest hosting Noshahr.

Anyway, I also found it appropriate and cool that you use Mashtali nickname on internet. I have used MashtiNader at times myself.

By the way, do you know why they called you Pilevar? Persistent!! Peddler?

Khoda Hafez, Nader

From: Husain Seyed
Subject: Imam Reza is all Muslim's Imam not just Shi'a Imam

Assalam o'alaikum.
I must thank you for giving us the opportunity to know the history of Mashhad through the Mashhad webpage.
Imam Reza [AS] was the direct descendent of RasulAllah [SAS] and, therefore, he was the Imam of the entire Muslim world. He was neither [in fact all the 12 imams] Sunni nor Shi'a. Therefore to write that he was the Imam of only Shi'a Islam will be to curtail his status. This is a great mistake. There is no division in Islam about the status of 12 imams. Majority of ordinary Sunni Muslims are ignorant people. They should be educated by those who have knowledge. I am a Sunni Muslim and Imam Reza [AS] is also my Imam.

The fundamental problem is that except Shi'a Muslims, none really wrote 12 imams' life history, their preachings, and their fatwas, for fear of the tyranny of those kings who took the title of khalifa (even though they were not entitled for that). Now the Sunni hesitate to trust the Shi'a writings about Imams, thinking that those may not be authentic. if it can be proved [similar hard core proof the way Bokhari or Muslim hadith was compiled] that they are authentic, the entire Sunni world will definitely follow the 12 Imams. There is no other way, because they were the Imams about whom RasulAllah spoke about [according to six shahi hadiths that Sunnis follow.]

There are a large number of Sunni Muslim who consider Imam Reza [AS] as the real Imam.

Could you please edit those lines in webpage and make a correction by writing that imam Reza {AS} was the Imam of the entire Muslim world!

May Allah bless us all.
Khuda Hafez, Husain

Dear Husain Salam,
Thank you for your comments and I respect your belief. The descriptions used in Mashhad Webpage came from historical writings and/or religious books. Therefore, it is not my personal belief. To tell you the truth, it is the first time I hear a Sunni Muslim make such attempt and claim. I will add your comments as a commentary to the main page.

Mercy and Khoda Hafez, Nader

From: Syed Akber Ali Abedi
Subject: Mashhad's weather in November?!

Salaam Alaikum

I have visited your site. It is a beautiful site.
I am planning to to visit Mashahad during second week of November from 12 till 27th November. Can you please let me know what will be the normal weather conditions during November, like temperature. What will be lowest temperature at that time.

Your information in the matter will of a big help for me to plan a comfortable visit, Because I will be accompanied with my mother, so I really need this information.

Thank you very much for your efforts and time in the matter.

Jazak Allah Khair
Syed Akber Ali Abedi

Dear Syed Akber Ali Abedi,
Vas Salam o Alaik.

Mashhad's weather in November could hover around freezing. We could have some snow by then but probably not. Have sweaters, hat and gloves ready. We may even get some rain.

The weather has been so crazy and unpredictable in the past several years. We had a very hot summer so Winter could be cold & wet.

I hope you enjoy your visit to Mashhad.

Khoda Hafez, Nader

Dear Agha Nader
Salaam Alaikum

Thank you very much for your information. I appreciate your help. Inshallah I will be there in Mashhad on 19th of November. Please pray for my Ziyarat be accepted by Imam-e-Redha.

Syed Akber Ali Abedi

From: kiyan
Subject: Amazing!!!

Hi My name is Kiyan and I was born in Mashhad and now I live in Boston U.S . When I saw this page,It was like I was in Mashhad.It was something like ,I was in Mashhad.It made me so happy.Tears in my eyes wouldn't let me look at everything.I was so excited.Thanks to all those nice people who made this page available. By the way Mr.Lee Askin who has some comments in this page is my brother-in-law and He is the person who brought me to U.S. I thought this would be nice thanking him in this page.We both met in Mashhad and now we are in U.S (BOSTON).

From: AJM
Subject: Internet Service in Mashhad

Dear Farsinet People,
My friend moved to Mashhad from Canada recently. She is having trouble finding an International Internet Service Provider.

Could you please give me any information about service providers in Mashhad so that I may pass it on to her.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Allyson M

Dear Allyson Salam,

Mercy for visiting FarsiNet and Mashhad WebSite. Unfortunately, we are not aware of any international ISP in Mashhad. There are only a few in Tehran with a very limited access.

The only reliable access to Internet from Mashhad is via Ferdowsi University. If we find out any info we will let you know. If you also come across any info please let us know.

You may be able to get some updated info from Mr. Amin Hosseini at

You may also try to contact Ferdowsi University directly via mashad_u@irearn.bitnet

Best of luck and please let us know if you find any additional info.

Regards, Nader

From: Roldan Maldonado Ponce
Organization: ITESM Campus Mazatlán
Subject: Hi!!!!!!

Hi!! my name is Armando and I'm from Mazatlan Mexico, I'm boy and I'm 16 years old, I would like to meet many people from any country, so if you want to have a new friend write me!!, well also that I want to meet you, I need your help, because the teacher of Global Studies gave me a homework assigment, that I have to ask to a person from the Middle East, the following questions:

  1. - Why is there no end to the Arab/Israeli conflict?
  2. - As citizens of the world what should we do to have an ever-lasting peace which is fair to all parties involved?
  3. - What do you think of Pan-Arabism and Pan-Islamism?
  4. - How will the continuing accumulation of wealth in the Middle East change the political/economical balance in the world?
**Thank you!! please write me as soon as you can because the homework is for Monday. You are my new friend bye bye!!!

From: Yass - Canada
To: ('')
Subject: Mashtee

It was very interesting documentary regarding the Lagabe Mashtee, I am too from mashhad and always thought that this title always mentioned between people with street language (adamhayeh latt) and when one time some one told me I am Mashtee I was so offended and furious, well now I am happy that reading your information has completely changed my opinion.

Keep up the good work and thank you.

Yass (in CANADA)
Danke schone

To: Yass From:

Yass, I am glad you have found Mashhad WebPage interesting and useful.

Mashteeeee Nader

From: Hooshang
Subject: Great site, mashhad

I enjoyed your site about the great city of Mashhad. Thank you for introducing Mashhad to the world.

I studied in Alam high school in Mashhad when I left for the US in 1978. A number of my classmates are now faculty of the Ferdousi U. Is there an Internet line of communication with Ferdousi U.? I would appreciate your advise.

One small comment about the page describing the weather: You describe cold winters, mild summers, and springs (in two places) with no mention of the beautiful Mashhad Autumns!

My best wishes...


Salam and mercy for visiting FarsiNet and Mashhad's Webpage.

Also thanks for your comment reg. Mashhad's climate. I made the correction.

As far as contacting faculties in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Here is couple of possible contacts;

Mr. Amir Hosseini , Tel: 98-51-801031
Ferdowsi University (Mashhad) (mashad_u@irearn.bitnet)

You can also check Farsinet's PersianWeb Academic section for more information;

I would also like to invite you to come back and check our New Mashhad Home page.

Khoda Negahdar, Nader

PS. I graduated from Alavi High School in 1975 and came to US in 1976. Alavi High School is in Aab-Kooh ave and is now a much smaller Girls' Middle-school.

From: Hassanf
Subject: Mashhad - Well done!

Dear freind, Who ever you are, thank you for the great work you have done here. Keep up the good work, intdroducing Iran and Iranians to the world.


Maybe you could put some stuff obout "Atare Neyshaburi". I didn't find anything about him!

Hassanf F. (UK)


Salam and thank you for visiting FarsiNet and Mashhad Webpage.

Also thank you for your suggestion regarding Attar Neyshaburi. Please check Neyshabur Page for some information on Attar. "Atare Neyshaburi" in near future. If you find any related info please let us know.

Regards and Khoda Negahdar, Nader

From: Adorable Rotem
Subject: ya alla. it's a baasa with you guys

It's like having a peace process with no bombings. That is what makes it all worth while. You guys are just too nice. Stop it.

You give me no choise - hugs and kisses to you all.

See ya, Rotem.

From: Moti N.
Subject: hello

Hello from ISRAEL - we want PEACE , give back RON ARAD - please.


Hello and Thanks for visiting Mashhad.

Who is Ron Arad? Who has him? Why do you want him back? We would be glad to help in any way we can, but I can assure you that WE DON'T HAVE HIM. That is The FarsiNet Team, here in Texas USA.

Regards, Nader

From: Moti N.
Subject: hello

hello again! your home page was very nice. my perents are mashadis and they want more information about mashad, can you help me with that? by the way - Ron Arad is a Israeli soilder and Iranians groups are holding him about 10 years now, and we want him back. I didnt know that you are from Texas. thanxs anyway!

regards, moti

Moti, SaLam.

What kind of information do your parent need about Mashhad. We have 2 Mashdies here in our team and might be able to help.

Regards, Nader

From: Lee Askin
Subject: Mashhad Web Page Effort

I'm an American and was a teacher at Ferdowsi U. (1975-76) and lived in Mashhad until the revolution made it too uncomfortable. This is my first impression, as I just stumbled on your page, but I applaud your effort. Mashhad and its region are so rich in history and culture . . . most of your work lies ahead of you! I'm sure it will be worth it, though. The world deserves to know about Mashhad and Khorasan. There is so much positive to say about the ancient crossroads of Central Asia.

I hope to find people in Mashhad with whom to correspond via your site. I have already taken note of the Ferdowsi postmaster's address which you provided, and will write to him/her. Good luck.


From: ramin (Germany)
Organization: Hamburg.Netsurf.De
Subject: Great (Mashhad WebPage)


I was in your site, It was great. I am from Mashhad, though I Was there 12 years ago last time . I love my home city very much and I was very happy to see it in the net. Thank you mashdi and HAPPY NEW YEAR. Sorry I have no programm to write in Persian.
Ramin Germany

From: adorable rotem
To: Mashhad Webmaster
Subject: Re: Happy holidays

Hey mashad visitor,

how are you, what have U been doing lately. tell me something, anything about iranian life. where do you by your food, what time do you get up, how do you dress.... tell me anything, anything at all.


From: "Jan Van Assche"
Subject: Addresses in Mashhad


Just found your Mashhad-site - congratulations on a good job ! We were in Mashhad a couple of months ago and we found it the most interesting city in Iran (but I guess people from Shiraz & Esfahan won't agree with me). We met a lot of interesting people in Iran, but especially in Mashhad we met someone who became a good friend after a while. We've had contact on a regular base the last months. I really would like to contact him through the Internet... as a surprise ! He teaches English at Mashhad University, but I can't seem to find the address or what's more important : the e-mail address. Do they have one ? Please let me know if you have the time.... And if you have other interesting links on Iran, they're more than welcome !

Khudaa Haafiz !
Jan (from Belgium)


Thank you for your note and I was delighted to hear you enjoyed Mashhad. I grew up in Mashhad and go back for a visit every other year or so. I was able to find the following email address at the U of Mashhad. I hope it helps. If I come acroos other emails, I'll forward them as well.

University of Mashhad
Administrator: Mr. Amin Hosseini

You can also contact and ask for an email for your friend.

For additional links on Iran, you may want to check The PersianWeb.

Best of luck and please let me know if I can be of any help,
Regards, Mashhad WebMaster

Additional info from BulkMail;

You can also contact David Kent;

David Kent

David was an English Prof. at the Ferdowsi U. before the reveloution.

From: Jenny L. (Chicago)
Subject: Safrun

Hello and thank you for beautiful work on Mashhad home page.

I have a question and hope you can help. Where can I find GOOD Safrun? I use it very much in my cooking. Thank you. Jenny L.
Subject: Saffron

Jenny, Thank you for your note.

You can find good quality Saffron in middle eastern grocery stores. You can also check with your local Persian Resturants. I suggest you call REZA's Resturant and ask the best place for wholesale Saffron. There is a Persian Grocery store on North Clark across from the origional Reza Resturant.

Another source is the International Product Distribution. IPD has a very large catalog of persian products, including food products. Here are their phone numbers;
1-800-443-3321 (outside of california)
1-714-831-2308 (California & International)
1-714-831-0441 (Fax)

International Product Distribution
23151 Verdugo Drive, Suite 104
Laguna Hills, CA. 92653

In one of their old catalogues, Saffron is Catalog #FS0156, 4.5 Grams /pkg. 1-3 pkg: $12.95 each, 4-6 pkg: $11.95 each, and 7 & uP pkg: $10.95/each.

Good luck and we hope this info helps.

From: Haidar
Subject: Mashhad

Salamun Alaikum,
Your site is truly a wealth of information. I have a correction for you. On the Mashhad city page, you write: Mashhad is a holy city of Shi'ite Islam. You also write that Imam Reza (AS) was the fourth Imam. Actually, he was the 8th Imam. You can check that by going to the Infallibles Shi'a Page through my home page:

Eltemase Do'a

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