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Saudi Bombing Suspect Arrested in Canada - He is linked to Iran
WASHINGTON -- Ever since the June 25, 1996, bombing of the U.S. military complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, in which 19 Americans were killed, U.S. officials have been grappling with the question: Was this an inside job -- just disgruntled Saudis acting on their own -- or was this an inside-outside job, disgruntled Saudis acting with Iran, Iraq or Syria?...

Last Tuesday Canada arrested Hani Abdel Rahim Sayegh, a Saudi Shiite who U.S., Canadian and Saudi officials suspect played a role in the Dhahran bombing, possibly as one of the getaway drivers. ... The raw evidence gathered on Mr. Sayegh apparently includes telephone conversations between him and his family (who are still in Saudi Arabia), and between him and individuals in Iran (speaking in Persian). In these conversations he makes oblique references that suggest a possible involvement in the Dhahran bombing, and he intimates that some of his cohorts fled at one time to Iran. Mr. Sayegh refers in one conversation to some of his colleagues being in "the country of Rafsanjani." Hashemi Rafsanjani is President of Iran. Among Mr. Sayegh's Saudi Shiite colleagues who possibly fled to Iran are the suspected mastermind of the bombing, identified as Ahmed Mughasil, and another colleague, Ali al-Khuri. Iran denies knowledge of any of them, and yesterday Mr. Sayegh denied complicity in the bombing.

The Canadians apparently also suspect Mr. Sayegh had contacts with Iranian diplomats in Canada.... Officials stress that while they have some circumstantial evidence that Iran may be linked to the Dhahran bombing, there is still no "smoking gun." Intelligence officials, though, are looking at new reports that an Iranian intelligence officer who goes by various code names, including "Sherifi" and "Abu Jallal," acted as a liaison between Teheran and Saudi Shiites in Lebanon...

The big question now is, will the new suspect arrested in Canada sing, and what will he sing?...

Iran Slams Norway's Call For Punishment Over Rushdie, Agence France Presse (03/25/97)
TEHRAN - Iran on Tuesday dismissed Norway's call for economic sanctions against Tehran over the Rushdie affair as unwarranted and unrealistic...

Norway on Wednesday called for international economic sanctions to be imposed on Iran in response to the 1989 death sentence decreed against British writer Salman Rushdie.

"We feel that the time has now come for joint, coordinated international action," Norwegian state secretary Jan Egeland said in a speech before the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva.

Iranian radio also slammed Norway's call Tuesday, saying in a commentary that Norway "does not realise that its support for Rushdie brings it into confrontation with the Islamic world."...

The Iran Earthquake Survivors Relief Donation Addresses (03/15/97)

International Federation of the Red cross &
Red Crescent

    P.O Box 372
    1211 Geneva 19

United Kingdom

Iran Earthquake Relief Fund
Account No. 2222-100011-001
Bank Melli Iran
Kensington High St.
Bank sort code: 60-93-48

Ottawa Canada
Embassy of the I. R. IRAN

    Account number: 48-06816
    Bank: Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)
    Account Holder: Embassy of the I.R. of Iran in Ottawa
    Bank address: 119 Sparks St.. Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5B5

    Please send (or fax) the receipt (or its copy) to the Embassy of I.R.
    of Iran in Ottawa and indicate it is for earthquake in Ardebil.

    Embassy of the I.R. of Iran
    245 Metcalfe st.
    Ottawa, Ontario,
    Canada, K2P 2K2

    Fax:(613) 232-5712

Military Plane Crashed Near Mashhad (03/14/97)
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- A military cargo plane crashed in the mountains near a holy city in northeastern Iran and at least 80 people on board were believed to have been killed, state-run media said.

The crew of the C-130 broke off contact with the control tower at Mashhad airport Thursday evening, more than an hour after taking off from Dezful in western Ahvaz province.

Tehran Radio said the pilot had reported technical difficulties, but did not elaborate.

The plane crashed about 15 miles from Mashhad, a city holy to Shiite Muslims 435 miles northeast of Tehran. Rescuers were searching nearby mountains for the wreckage, the Islamic Republic News Agency said, quoting Mashad's governor, Vakili Pour. By noon today, the wreckage still had not been found.

IRNA put the number of people on board at 80, while Tehran Radio said there were 86. They said all were believed dead. They did not say whether the passengers were servicemen or civilians.

Iran's air force is a mix of Russian, American and Chinese aircraft. U.S. planes in particular have suffered from a lack of spare parts, and less than half are believed capable of flying.

The air force was believed to have 19 American-made C-130s. Common throughout the world, that aircraft is easier to repair, and spare parts are generally available on the open market.

Visit Iran and Teach, Do Research or Serve as a Consultant (03/11/97)
The UN has a  program  which  makes it  possible  for
"expatriate nationals" to go  back to their countries
of origin to teach a  short course,  participate in a
research  project and/or offer expertise.  The period
of stay  may  be from 4 to 12 weeks.  Travel  cost is
paid by the  UN and  reimbursement is  paid  in  Iran
for the  services  rendered.  If required,  temporary 
moafee is  also  arranged. To receive the application 
forms, write to:
     Permanent Mission
 of the Islamic Republic of Iran
    to the United Nations
    622 Third Ave., 34th floor
     New York, N.Y. 10017

To find out more about the TOKTEN program,  write to:
 Executive Coordinator, TOKTEN/STAS
 c/o United Nations Development Programme
 One U.N. Plaza, Room TM 904
 New York, N.Y. 10017
 Tel: (212) 906-6310
 Fax: (212) 906-5566

Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Velayati Visits Turkey (03/10/97)
intro:  iranian foreign minister ali akbar velayati has arrived 
in turkey on visit partially aimed at defusing recent tensions 
between the two neighbors.  amberin zaman reports from ankara.

text:  speaking to reporters following his arrival at ankara 
airport, mr. velayati acknowledged there is a crisis between 
turkey and iran.  

he said both governments are determined to see the crisis end.  
and he said what he described as the wisdom which exists in both 
countries would help overcome current difficulties in their 

ties between the two muslim neighbors are strained during the 
best of times, because of iran's alleged attempts to undermine 
turkey's secular system.  turkish officials accuse iran of arming
and training islamic radical terrorists, and senior turkish 
military officials say iran is also helping separatist rebels of 
the kurdistan workers party, the p-k-k.  

but turkey's seven month old islamist-led coalition has sought to
improve ties with iran.  turkish prime minister necmettin 
erbakan's first official trip abroad was to tehran, where he 
signed a multi-billion-dollar deal to import iranian natural gas 
in defiance of pressure from the united states to isolate the 
islamic government.

relations between the two countries, however, took a turn for the
worse last month when the iranian ambassador in turkey attended 
an anti-israeli rally where he criticized turkey's close ties 
with the west.  the ambassador was asked to leave.  so, too, were
the iranian consuls general in istanbul and the eastern city of 
erzerum, who made similar remarks shortly after.  

in retaliation, tehran ordered the turkish ambassador and a 
turkish consul general to leave iran last week. 

observers say mr. velayati's visit will help ease tensions 
between the two countries.  

mr. velayati is expected to meet with foreign minister tansu 
ciller and mr. erbakan before leaving turkey tuesday.  he said he
would invite turkish president suleyman demirel to a summit of 
the organization of the islamic conference that is to be held in 
tehran in december. 

10-mar-97 10:18 am est (1518 utc)
Source: voice of america

DEPORTATION OF 18-20 IRANIAN REFUGEES From Turkey (03/08/97)
According to the International Federation of Iranian Refugees and Immigrants
Councils (IFIRIC)-Turkey branches 18 -20 Iranian refugees of concern to the
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) were deported on Saturday
March 8 to Zakho, Iraq.  Police in Nevsehir attacked refugee homes in order to
arrest the refugees.  Many managed to flee and are now living in hiding in

Since its issuance of the November 1994 regulations which require all
undocumented refugees to introduce themselves to the Turkish police within five
days of entry at the border areas, many Iranian refugees are considered
"illegal" for having failed to do so.  Iranians refuse to acquiese to the
Government of Turkey's unjust laws and only introduce themselves to the UNHCR.
The border is unsafe, in an emergency zone and the police are known to violently
beat refugees and regularly deport them or coerce bribes, particularly in

IFIRIC (and CHAIR which is a member of IFIRIC) urges all concerned inidividuals
to immediately contact the Turkish embassy in Washington DC or Turkish
government officials to condemn the deportations and demand an end to the
deportation of Iranian refugees.

Ambassador Nuzhet Kandemir
Turkish Embassy
Washintgon, DC
fax: 202-659-0744

Minister Mehmet Agar
Minister of Interior
Ankara Turkey
Fax: 011-90-312-417-2390

Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan
Ankara, Turkey
Fax: 011-90-312-417-0476

Minister of Foreign Affairs Tansu Ciller
Ankara, Turkey
Fax: 011-90-312-419-1547

IEA Revises 1997 Call On Opec To 25.4M B/d, Up 0.2M B/d (03/07/97)
Dow Jones Business News -- March 7, 1997

IEA Revises 1997 Call On Opec To 25.4M B/d, Up 0.2M B/d

                1Q97   Chg    2Q97   Chg    3Q97   Chg
         OECD  42.5  Unch    40.3  Unch    41.3   Unch
     Non-OECD  32.1  Up 0.1  31.4  Unch    31.3   Up 0.1
        Total  74.6  Up 0.1  71.7  Up 0.1  72.6   Up 0.1
         OECD  19.3  Dn 0.3  18.9  Unch    19.1   Unch
     Non-OECD  25.6  Unch    25.7  Dn 0.1  26.1   Unch
     Non-Opec  44.9  Dn 0.3  44.6  Dn 0.1  45.2   Unch

 Call on Opec: 26.8  Up 0.3  24.2  Up 0.1  24.5   Up 0.1

 (Amts in mln of bbl/day; chg from previous report)
 Table Of IEA Crude Oil-Output Estimates By Region:
  Opec          Feb   Jan   Quota  OECD       Feb    Jan
  Saudi Arabia  8.00  8.00  8.000   N. Amer  11.40  11.32
  Iran          3.70  3.71  3.600   Europe    7.23   6.97
  Iraq          1.07  1.08  1.200   Pacific   0.71   0.71
  UAE           2.29  2.29  2.161
  Kuwait        1.80  1.81  2.000  NON-OECD
  Neutral Zone  0.53  0.52          FSU       7.06   7.16
  Qatar         0.56  0.56  0.378   Asia      5.19   5.22
  Nigeria       2.27  2.27  1.865   Europe    0.28   0.28
  Libya         1.38  1.43  1.390   L. Amer   6.77   6.71
  Algeria       0.85  0.86  0.750   Mid-East  1.94   1.93
  Venezuela     3.12  3.09  2.359   Africa    2.83   2.82
  Indonesia     1.42  1.39  1.330  NON-Opec: 44.98  44.68
  TOTAL        26.98 26.98 25.033

 LONDON -- The Paris-based International Energy Agency has revised its
forecast for world oil demand in the first quarter of 1997 to 74.6
million barrels a day, up 0.1 million barrels. However, the forecast for
demand for the whole of 1997 was unchanged at 73.7 million b/d.

In its end-February report Friday, the IEA said total world oil supply in
February increased to 74.79 million b/d, 350,000 b/d above its adjusted
January level. Non-Opec supply was estimated to have decreased by 300,000
b/d in the first of 1997., while February Opec supply was unchanged from
January at 26.98 million b/d.

The estimated call on Opec oil was raised 300,000 b/d for the first
quarter of 1997, to 26.8 million b/d, while the forecast call on Opec for
1997 as a whole was increased to 25.4 million b/d, up 0.2 million b/d.
International Non-Renewable Energy Sources Congress (03/09/97)
                  The First Announcement and CALL FOR PAPERS
                                  The Second 
               International Non-Renewable Energy Sources Congress 
                                    INRESC `97
                      Kish Free Zone Island, Hormozgan, Iran 
                               December 16-21, 1997 

   This is the second congress of its type addressing the subject of
non-renewable energy sources from the point of view of appropriate
production, conservation, and global environmental pollution control. Papers
and posters are solicited which will address such questions for all fossil
energy sources including natural gas, petroleum, heavy oil, tar sand, oil
shale and coal. A number of prominent international scientists and scholars
from all around the world are being invited to participate and present
papers in the congress. 


    Fundamentals, Production, Processing, Storage, New Technology,
Eco-Energy, Environmental Control, Energy Ethics, Safety 


          Prof. G.Ali Mansoori (CHAIR), University of Illinois, USA
        Prof. Fegan Aliyev, President, Ecoenergy Academy, Azerbaijan 
Prof. Wiranto Arismunandar, Rector, Bandung Institute of Technolgy, Indonesia
             Professor Mohsen Edalat, University of Tehran, Iran
  Dr. Edward F. Freund, Director, R&D Refining Petrochemicals, IFP, France
     Prof. Dr. D. Kessel, Director, German Petroleum Institute, Germany
  Professor R. Zagid Syunayaev, Gubkin State Academy of Oil and Gas, Russia
          Prof. Teh Fu Yen, University of Southern California, USA


Letter of Intent to  Present a Paper / Participate in the Congress: July 1, 1997
            Proposal (Abstract) for Presentation: August 1, 1997
           Notice of Acceptance of Presentation: September 1, 1997
          Manuscripts due to Congress Secretariat: October 1, 1997

         Congress Registration Fee ($US 450.) Due on October 1, 1997
                               This includes:
 a copy of the proceedings, hotel and meals for the duration of the Congress
             Late registration fee if space available:  $US 500.

INRESC '97 Secretariat will request CONFERENCE-EXEMPTION for INRESC'97 early
                 with military service obligations from I.R. Iran 
                            For more information 

                                 Please check 
          Professor Mohsen Edalat, Administrative Committ ee Chair
                              Daneshkade  Fanni
                            University of Tehran
                                Tehran, Iran

                  Dr. Ali  Haghtalab, Congress Secretariat
                        Tarbiat Modarress University
                                Tehran, Iran

            Professor G.Ali  Mansoori, Scientific Committee Chair
                     Thermodynamics Research Laboratory
                ChE Dept. - University of Illinois at Chicago
                            810 S. Clinton Street
                         Chicago, IL 60607-7000, USA

                Ms. Shohre Hussaini, Administrative Secretary
                        The National Research Council
                 No. 31 Alvand Avenue / The Arjantin square
                                Tehran, Iran

International Milad-un-Nabi Conference 1997 (03/07/97)
As-Salaamu Alaikum,
The Naqshbandyia Foundation for Islamic Education (NFIE) is dedicated to serve 
Islam and Tasawwuf (Sufism).  NFIE promotes Muslim unity through love, 
tolerance, mutual respect, peaceful conflict resolution, balanced self-esteem, 
and positive thinking.
We are organizing the International Milad-un-Nabi Conference 1997.
Date: Saturday, July 26th
Time: 9 am to 10 pm
Place: University of Illinois, Chicago Circle Center (Illinois Room)       
       750 south Halsted,
       Chicago, Illinois, USA
Theme: The Prophet (sallallaho alaihe wa sallam) as the "Living Qur'an"
Contact: Ahmed Mirza, President NFIE        
         P.O. Box 3526        
         Peoria, IL 61612-3526    
         Phone: (309) 655-7979        
         Fax: (309) 655-7808
Registration: Registration, meals, and baby-sitting are all FREE.
Accommodations: Days Inn of Chicago  (Phone: (312) 943-9200
               Special room rate (NFIE-Milad) $85.00
Travel Arrangements: Supersonic Travel, (Contact Hafeez Khan)
                     Phone: (972) 239-7782
Invited Guest Speakers:
-Shaykh Muhammad Masum Naqshbandi, Eminent Naqshbandi Shaykh and Shafi'i
 Scholar from Kurdistan.
-Syed Afzal Hussain Jamaiti, Eminent Naqshbandi Shaykh and 
 Hanafi Scholar from Pakistan.
-Maulana Sayyid Jafar Muhyiddin Al-Qaderi, Ph.D., College of Sharia, 
 Al-Azhar University, Qaderi Shaykh, 
 President Al-Seerah Society of North America.
-Justice Bahauddin Baha, Former Supreme Court Judge (Afghanistan), 
 Eminent Hanafi Scholar and Author.
-Dr. Marcia K. Hermansen, Professor, Department of Religious Studies, 
 San Diego State University.
-Dr. Alan Abd-Al Haqq Godlas, Assistant Professor of Arabic and 
 Islamic Studies, University of Georgia.
-Dr. Arther Buehler, Assistant Professor of Islam and Indo-Pakistani Culture,
 Colgate University.
-Dr. Vincent J. Cornell 'Mansur al-Majahid', Assistant Professor, 
 Department of Religion, Duke University.
-S. Abdallah Schleifer, Director, Adham Center for Television Journalism, 
 American University in Cairo, Egypt.
-Abd-al-Hayy Moore, American Muslim Poet and Author (Maulud in English)
-Waheed Chugtai, International Naat Khawan (Pakistan), 
 Recipient of multiple awards. 
 (Maulud in Arabic,  Persian, Urdu, and Panjabi)

Please contact NFIE for further information.
Video tapes of 1994, 1995, & 1996 conferences are now available.
Ahmed Mirza M.D., President NFIE

Iranians may freeze after quake (03/07/1997)
The Associated Press By ANWAR FARUQI

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Plunging temperatures and a snowstorm Friday threaten the lives of 40,000 people living in government-provided tents since an earthquake destroyed their homes in northwestern Iran.

Roads were badly damaged in the Feb. 28 quake, and were completely cut off Friday by snow, according to state-run Tehran radio. The storm began Thursday and intensified Friday, dumping more than three feet of snow in areas.

Ardabil province, site of the magnitude-6.1 quake, was the coldest region in Iran on Friday, with daytime temperatures of 18 degrees.

The earthquake killed nearly 1,000 people by official estimates. Aid workers suspect the figure is closer to 3,000. About 20 villages were destroyed, and roads, electricity and water supplies were badly damaged.

The government has sent mountain climbers and soldiers to the area, the radio said. It appealed to the public for donations of food, clothing and plastic sheets.

In addition to bad weather, wolves and wild dogs have hampered the rescue effort.

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