Iranian Christian Poetry based on the Gospels of John and Matthew
Happy Easter, Happy Resurection Day, Jesus' Empty Tomb is the main Principle of Our Belief as Followers of Jesus Christ, He has Risen, He is Alive and overcame Death so We may Have Ethernal Life, He died for our Sins on the Cross and after 3 days rose from Death, His Empty Tomb is the Sign of Our Hope & Victory

Kona CyberCafe

KonaCafe © - 100% Organic Kona Hawaii Coffee

Comments, Suggestions and Opinions



From: Sam Camp
Subject: Just surfing

Hope that you will bring in a lot of revenue for Hawaiian agriculture. Good to see the KCC logo used.

The blue text on pink background is almost impossible to read.

Sam Camp


From: Nancy M.
Subject: Thanks for the coffee - too strong

Hello Miki & Russell and thank you for the coffee.

I gave one bag to my mother and kept one for ourselves. We tried some at my Mom's and we found out that your coffee is very strong. We only had to use 1/3 of our usual scoop and it was out of this world. Thank you.

Can we get on your list so you can send us couple of pounds every 3 months or so?

Regards, Nancy

To: Nancy

Nancy. Yes we do have a regular delivery list. We added your name to our list for 1 lbs of light roast and 1 lb of dark roast every 2 months. Your next shippment will be on 3/1/97. Enjoy it. Miki


From: Mark
Subject: Distributorship.

Dear Sir,

I would like information on obtaining your product at wholesale to be sold through my unique catalog. My new found business name is ... Strategies and I cater to people who would normally be unable to obtain certain items in their own areas.

Thank You - Mark


Thank you for your inquiry regarding KonaCafe and our 100% Organic Coffee. We would be happy to provide you and your catalog business with our 100% Kona Coffee.

As of 1/3/97, we have sold out our 1995-96 crop. We now have over 1000 Lbs of our 1996-97 Crop ready for delivery. We can roast to your liking.

The pricing will depend on quantity and destination. For example, we can deliver our Coffee in bags of 100 Lbs at $15/lb in Kona. Outside of Kona, it would be $15/lb + Shipping & Handling for orders of 100 lbs and more.

We are willing to negotiate a deal suitable to your business needs once you provide us additional information.

Regards, Russell, KonaCafe Webmaster


From: Shawn Anderson
Subject: Best coffee I have ever had...

Dear Konacafe, just wanted to drop you a note and let you know that I received the coffee yesterday. I served it to my guests last night and it was just lovely. Thank you again for rushing the order. I love your coffee and I don't have to drive all the way to New York City to get some.

Best Wishes, Shawn


From: Christie Ahyai
Subject: Best way to store your coffee?

Hello. I have couple of questions.

What is the best way to store your coffee for a long time. I have been storing the coffee in its origional bag in my freezer. I like to ground some once a week or so.

Is the origional plastic bag the best way to preserve taste and aroma?

Is the freezer the best way to store it for several months? - Thanks, Christie

To: Christie Ahyai
Subject: Best way to store your coffee? Christie, yes storing your coffee beans in its origional bsg in freezer is a very good choice of storage.
MailBox What is your Opinion of KonaCafe CyberCoffeeHouse??
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Farsi Poetry about the Power of Cross of Jesus, Good Friday, Dark Friday, Jomehe Paak, The day Jesus Died on the Cross for our Sins, The Power of The Cross, Power of the cross of Jesus Christ, The Wonderful Cross of Jesus Persian Poetry by Gerajeh Daqi
Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter SundayGood Friday or Dark Friday when jesus was Crucified and died on the Cross for our SinWe celebrate Jesus' Trimphant entry into Jerusalem, The Beginning of Christian Holy Week - The Passion WeekEaster Sunday, Rejoice the Lord has Raisen, Jesus who died on the cross has raisen from death, The Empty Tomb is the foundation of faith and Salvation
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