انجمنهاى دانشجويان ايرانى
Iranian/Persian Students Associations
and Organizations (ISAO)
United States
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انجمنهاى تخصصى و فرهنگى ايرانيان
Worldwide Directory of Iranian Persian Cultural Organizations
Iranian/Persian Students Associations
and Organizations (ISAO) -
انجمنهاى دانشجويان ايرانى
Iranian/Persian Kursteilnehmerverbindungen
und Organisationen (ISAO)
Associations d'itudiants d'Iranian/Persian
et organismes (ISAO)
United States
Dabiri Foundation
The Dabiri Foundation was incorporated in1997 as 501(c)(3) organization. It is a non-profit corporation that is primarily involved in advancement of education. The involvement could be indirect as helping educational institutions or direct as an active effort to support projects defined by the board. In July of 2008, Dabiri Foundation's board of directors decided to embark upon a special project in addition to its ongoing activities.
Dr. Modjtahedi Scholarship Fund
Dr. Modjtahedi Scholarship Fund was set up in honor of the late Dr. Mohammad Ali Modjtahedi, a prominent leader of Irans educational system for the past sixty years. The fund will assist higher education of American students of Iranian descent across the United States, consistent with the wishes of Dr. Modjtahedi. The board has recognized that this project requires significant amount of funding to become effective and the Foundation's limited resources can not support it at the present time. It has therefore decided to raise funding through individual donations.
The Iranian Student Alliance in America (ISAA)
The Iranian Student Alliance in America (ISAA) seeks
to increase the general public's awareness regarding
Iran and Iranian issues, provide a forum for
discussion on Iranian topics, and promote the Iranian
community, identity,and culture. We also wish to
increase the voice of Iranian/Iranian-Americans within
the United States political sphere. ISAA is an
independent, non-profit student organization
headquartered and established at the University of
California, Berkeley in the Fall of 2002.
Association of Professors and Scholars of Iranian Heritage
Iranian Cultural Club of University of California at Irvine
Iranian Cultural and Aesthetics Organization (ISCAO) at UC Davis
The Iranian Student Cultural & Aesthetic Organization steadily works toward creating a united community, on and off the UC Davis campus.
We as a group of Iranian students, founded the organization because assimilation in a foreign land was leading to a loss of heritage.
The primary goal of ISCAO is to educate everyone, including ourselves, about the Persian culture, its practices, and its illustrious history.
Iranian Graduate Student Assosiation (IGSA) at The University of Southern California (USC)
Iranian Graduate Students Association is a nonpolitical, nonprofit, volunteer student organization established in 1994. By conducting social and cultural activities, IGSA has always pursuing the following objectives.
1. Promote an understanding of the Persian culture at USC
2. Foster friendship among different cultural groups
3. Provide a source of union and support for the Iranian community at USC
Iranian Student Association at Arizona State University
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ایرانی دانشگاه
ایالتی آریزونا
Iranian Student Association at the USC School of Dentistry, - Los Angeles, California - USCSDISA@Gmail.com
Iranian Students Group (ISG) at UCLA
Iranian Student Cultural Organization (ISCO) at the University of Berkeley
Iranian Graduate Student Association of U. of Southern California
Persian Club at the UC San Diego
Persian Club at the UC Santa Barbara
(Spring Formal Benefit on May 21, 1999)
Persian Student Association at the Stanford University
Persian Students Association at South Baylor University - Los Angeles, California
Persian Student Organization at the University of California, Santa Cruz - Contact: Gholnaz Shariff
Iranian Student Academic and Cultural Organization At The University of Texas at Austin
Iranian Student Society of the University of Texas at Arlington
Persian Student Association at the University of Houston, Texas
Other States
Columbia Iranian Students Association
The Columbia Iranian Student's Association is a non-political and non-religious organization open to people of all races and ethnicities. The purpose of this organization is to direct and organize functions, meetings, and events that promote the exposure of Iranian culture and customs.
Cornell University Iranian Students Organization
Harvard Persian Society
Harvard Persian Society is a student organization whose aim is to promote Persian culture and related issues through sponsoring social and cultural events and activities at Harvard University.
Indo-Iranian Students Organization at the University of Pittsburg
Iranian Graduate Students' Foundation (IGSF) at University of Maryland
IGSF (Iranian Graduate Student Foundation) is a graduate student organization at the University of Maryland.
If you are faculty, staff or a registered student at university of Maryland, you are cordially invited to join us.
IGSF is a non-profit, non-religious, non-political organization, established for the expressed purpose of developing leadership skills as well as an awareness of social responsibilities to encourage students to participate in public affairs. Also, IGSF tends to praise and promote Iranian traditions and culture and make people familiar with these traditions.
Iranian Student Association at Georgia Institute of Technology
Iranian Students Association at North Carolina State University
Iranian Students Association at the University of Arizona
Iranian Studies Group at MIT
The Iranian Studies Group at MIT (ISG) is a non-partisan organaziation with the
aim of promoting an analytical undrestanding of the long-term social, economic,
political and cultural issues related to the development of the Iranian society
through consultation with and dialogue amongst intellectuals, experts and the
larger public. To accomplish this goal, ISG is committed to presenting the
public with diverse opinions on issues related to its mission through Lecture
Series and Article Publications
Iranian Students Foundation at the Univeristy of Maryland
Persian Associatian at Tufts University
Persian Association of Louisiana State University
Persian Club of the University of Virginia
Persian Cultural Association of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Persian Cultural Society of the U. of South Florida
Persian Society at University of Pennsylvania
Persian Society at Yale University
Persian Student Association Binghamton University
Persian Students Association at Duke Universit (PSA Duke)
- Email
Persian Student Association at MIT
Persian Student Association at the
University of Michigan
Persian Student Association of Minnesota
Persian Student Society of University of Florida
Persian Student Society of University of FLorida at Gainesville Florida, is
the only organized and active official Iranian student groups in FL. We are a non-political and non-religious cultural group for all people interested in Iran.
Shabeh Jomeh
What is Shabeh Jomeh?
Shabeh Jomeh is a monthly gathering of Iranian professionals living in the metropolitan areas of major cities - currently, Chicago, London, New York and Seattle and Washington, DC. Also, Shabeh Jomeh will soon be debuting in the San Francisco Bay Area in the August/September timeframe and Los Angeles in September. Next stops: Atlanta, Hawaii and Dallas/Ft Worth! Stay tuned.
Turkmen Students Organization