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Jesus's Last Supper With His Disciples on the Eve before He was Crucified - Jesus Explains God's New Covenant and Teaches His Disciples Humility by Washing Their Feet

FarsiNet Banner Advertising

CyberVertising © = Exposure-Based/Click-Based/Performance-Based Banner Advertising

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CyberVertise In farsiNet

Why Should You CyberVertise © on FarsiNet?

FarsiNet is attracting several thousands internet surfers per week and increasing rapidly. Because of the variety of web sites hosted by FarsiNet, we attract a variety of surfers from all over the world and they keep coming back. Visit FarsiNet WebServer Statistics for details.

FarsiNet's CyberVertising provides advertising for small businesses on the World Wide Web. By advertising on the Web, over 50 million potential customers have access to information about your business. Unlike newspapers and magazines, you can provide extensive information about your products and services at a reasonable cost in full multimedia.

What does FarsiNet CyberVertising do for You and Your Business?

* Online Advertisements
We can design and build a home page for your business.
* Advertisement Editing
You can update your advertisement page on regular basis if needed.
* Traffic
We will make your advertisement highly visible on the Internet by publicizing it in popular search engines such as: Alta Vista, InfoSeek, Lycos, Intkomi, OpenText, Starting Point, and Others. Furthermore, we allow you to enter keywords so more people will find your page from these search engines.
* Presence
We can host your advertisement on a machine with a high-speed (T1) connection to the Internet.
* Effectiveness
We can create a counter so you can tell how many visitors have read your page.
* Order Forms
We can create email order and questionaire forms which allow you to receive customer orders and feedback easily.
* Multimedia
Your advertisement can include scanned color images of your company logo and products as well as sound clips.
* Domain Name
We can provide you with a domain name for your business.
* Provide Consulting
We understand the technical and marketing challenges behind making a business successful on the Internet.

How To Start CyberVertising © on FarsiNet?

You may advertise directly with Farsinet by selecting one of the following programs or advertise on FarsiNet via Google

Reasonable Rate CyberVertising

How much does it cost to CyberVertise © on FarsiNet?

Exposure-Based CyberVertising - $0.01 per actual impression of your banner - (i.e. $10 per 1000 impresions).
These impressions are real exposures. The viewer will actualy see your ad, since it is on top of every selected page. The viewer is also interested in your ad, since the page he or she is looking at is in the same field of interest as your advertisment. The number of exposures is counted via the log file on our server. This log-file is maintained by a third party. We are counting by using a script that runs through this log file. ($50 setup fee)

Special Offer for 2024: Great Deal for entire -2024 with minimum of "100,000" exposure guaranteed.
(No Setup Fee, For details send email to: webmaster@farsinet.com)

Click-Based CyberVertising - $0.10 per actual click on your banner (i.e. $100 per 1000 Clicks).
Once the visitors arrive in your site, its upto you to keep them there, present your product and/or services and make a sale. This is our most popular CyberVertising program and has proved to be very effective. We can adjust number of exposures your banner receives to generate the desired traffic. Depending on your brand-name, banner design and product type, you can expect 5% - 10% click-through rate. So, if your banner is displayed 1000 time a day, you could expect 50 - 100 actual visitors to your site. ($50 setup fee)

Performance-Based CyberVertising - You pay a fixed comission on the amount of sales generated via FarsiNet referrals. ($100 setup fee)

FarsiNet Discounts and Special Offerings

  • FarsiNet Logo Discount: (10%). Advertiser must provide proof (screen shot) of FarsiNet Logo button placement on advertiser's home page to earn discount. Screen shot must be provided at the time the contract is signed. FarsiNet's Logo button must remain on page for duration of contract.
    FarsiNet Paisley Fish small logo FarsiNet Farsley small logo FarsiNet small GlobeBanner logo FarsiNet small GlobeWheelBanner logo FarsiNet small GlobeCrossDove logo FarsiNet small FarsiEnglishFarsiNet button FarsiNet small FarsiEnglishFarsiNet button FarsiNet small FarsiEnglishFarsiNet button

  • One Months FREE Banner Advertising: One Months FREE Banner Advertising on FarsiNet. Your CyberVertisement © will be a banner of 450*50 pixels with a link to your page. If you don't have a Home Page, we'll be glad to setup one for you. After the initial 1 FREE months, if you are still interested to continue your CyberVertising © on FarsiNet, let us know and together we'll decide which pages are appropriate for your business.

Pricing, programs, discounts, and premiums, as well as technical and delivery requirements are subject to change at any time without notice.

FarsiNet Inc. - Team

Best of luck with your business and we hope to be a part of your future.

Contact us at webmaster@farsinet.com to start Your CyberVertising©.

CyberVertise, CyberVertisement, CyberVertising, ... Copyright © 1995-2024 FarsiNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (112196 61239 )
Jesus's Last Supper With His Disciples on the Eve before He was Crucified - In This Night Jesus Explains God's New Covenant of Forgiveness of Sin and His Grace and Love to His Disciples.
Iranian Christian Poetry for Easter, He has Risen Farsi Poetry, Jesus has Risen Iranian Poetry
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